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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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In the Alteryx SharePoint list tool, Alteryx fails to authenticate using to connect to SharePoint list that is protected by ADFS. There Sharepoint sites outside of our company's firewall that use ADFS for authentication.  We would like to connect to those sites via the Sharepoint List tool.

The actual Mongo output tool does not allow to specify field type (except for the primary _id field).  The tool just assumes that all fields are string.  Many of our CSV files incorporate string representation of ObjectId (ex: "56df422c08420b523aa00a77"). 


When we import those CSV we have to run a an additional script that will convert all the id into ObjectId fields.  Same thing with the date -> Mongo Date.


If the tool would allow us to do this, it would save us a billion time across all our ETL processes.




Our development team prefers that we connect to their MongoDB server using a private key through a .pem file, instead of a username/password. Could this option be built into the MongoDB Input?


Clustering your data on a sample and then appending clusters is a common theme

especially if you are in customer relations and marketing related divisions...



When it comes to appending clusters that you have calculated form a 20K sample and then you're going to "score" a few million clients you still need to download the data and use the append cluster...


Why don't we have an In-db append cluster instead,

which will quicken the "distance based" scoring that append cluster does

on SQLServer, Oracle or Teradata...









Hi All,


It would be great if Alteryx 10.5 supports connectivity to SAS server.



I want to use Alteryx to pull data from a SharePoint List.  This shouldn't be a problem, but I use SharePoint Content Types.  Alteryx won't allow me to import any list that has Content Types enabled; thus rendering the SP list input type not usable. 

My interim workaround is to create a data connection thru excel to the list and then pull the data in that way, but optimally, I would like to pull directly from the list.


Content types are a best practice in SharePoint, so any list or library in my site collection contains them.


Please update the SharePoint list input to support content types.


thank you,


Someone else inquired about this but I didn't see an idea entered /


Hi All,


It would be a given wherein IT would have invested effort and time building workflows and other components using some of the tools which became deprecated with the latest versions.


It is good to have the deprecated versions still available to make the code backward compatible, but at the same time there should be some option where in a deprecated tool can be promoted to the new tool available without impacting the code.


Following are the benefits of this approach -


1) IT team can leverage the benefits of the new tool over existing and deprecated tools. For e.g. in my case I am using Salesforce connectors extensibly, I believe in contrast to the existing ones the new ones are using Bulk API and hence are relatively much faster.

2) It will save IT from reconfiguring/recoding the existing code and would save them considerable time.


3) As the tool keeps forward moving in its journey, it might help and make more sense to actually remove some of the deprecated tool versions (i.e. I believe it would not be the plan to have say 5 working set of Salesforce Input connectors - including deprecated ones). With this approach in place I think IT would be comfortable with removal of deprecated connectors, as they would have the promote option without impacting exsiting code - so it would ideally take minimal change time.


In addition, if it is felt that with new tools some configurations has changed (should ideally be minor), those can be published and as part of
promotions IT can be given the option to configure it.



Rohit Bajaj

I find that when I'm using Alteryx, I'm constantly renaming the tool connectors. Here's my logic, most of the time:

I have something like a Join and 3 browses.

  1. I name the L join something like "L: on product/location join"
  2. I then copy that descriptor, and past it in the Annotation field
  3. I then copy that descriptor, select the wired connector, and paste that in the connection configuration


Have a setting where I could select the following options:

  • Automatically annotate based on tool rename
  • Automatically rename incoming connector based on tool rename

alteryx auto rename example.PNGTHE GUTS/REQUEST:

If I rename a tool, and "Automatically annotate based on tool rename" is enacted, it will insert that renaming at the top of the annotation field. If there is already data in that field, it will be shifted down. If I rename a tool and "Automatically rename incoming connector..." is on, then the connection coming into it gets [name string]+' connection' put into its name field. I included a picture of the end game of my request.


Thanks for your ear!


When users who have no idea what the Field API Name is try to pull data from Salesforce it can be problematic. A simple solution would be to add the Field Label to the Query Window to allow users to pick the fields based on API NAME or FIELD LABEL.

 When pulling data from Oracle and pushing to Salesforce, there are many times where we have an ID field in Oracle and a field containing this ID in Salesforce in what is called an external ID field. Allowing us to match against those external ID fields would save us a lot of time and prevent us from having to do a query on the entire object in Salesforce to pull out the ID of the records we need.

Sometimes in a crowded workflow, connector lines bunch up and align across the title bar of a tool container.  This blocks my view of the title, but also makes it hard to 'grab' the tool container and move it.


Could Alteryx divert lines around tool containers that they don't connect into, or make tool containers 'grab-able' at locations other than the title bar?


Image demonstrating connector line overlapImage demonstrating connector line overlap



When you create a data model in excel you can create measures (aka KPI). These is then something you can then use when you pivot the data and measure would dynamically be updated as you segment the data in your pivot table.


By example, let's say you have a field with the customer name and a field with the revenue, you could create a measure that will calculate the average revenue per customer (sum of revenue / disctintcount of customer)

Now if you have a 3rd field in your data that inidcates your region, the measure would allow to see the average revenue by customer and by region (but the measure formula would remain the same and wouldn't refer to the region field at all)


Excel integrates well with PowerBI and currently these measures flow into PowerBI.


While we have a "Publish to PowerBI" in Alteryx I haven't seen any way to create such measures and export them to PowerBI.


Hence I still need to load to Excel to create these measures before I can publish to PowerBI, it'd be great to avoid that intermediate tool.






We don't have Server.  Sometimes it's easy to share a workflow the old fashioned way - just email a copy of it or drop it in a shared folder somewhere.  When doing that, if the target user doesn't have a given alias on their machine, they'll have issues getting the workflow to run.


So, it would be helpful if saving a workflow could save the aliases along with the actual connection information.  Likewise, it would then be nice if someone opening the workflow could add the aliases found therein to their own list of aliases.


Granted, there may be difficulties - this is great for connections using integrated authentication, but not so much for userid/password connections. Perhaps (if implemented) it could be limited along these lines.


I have run into an issue where the progress does not show the proper number of records after certain pieces in my workflow. It was explained to me that this is because there is only a certain amount of "cashed" data and therefore the number is basd off of that. If I put a browse in I can see the data properly.


For my team and me, this is actually a great inconvenience. We have grown to rely on the counts that appear after each tool. The point of the "show progress" is so that I do not have to insert a browse after everything I do so that it takes up less space on my computer. I would like to see the actual number appear again. I don't see why this changed in the first place.

Improve HIVE connector and make writable data available







Type of Support:Read-only
Supported Versions:0.7.1 and later
Client Versions:--
Connection Type:ODBC
Driver Details:The ODBC driver can be downloaded here.

Read-only support to Hive Server 1 and Hive Server 2 is available.


I think it would be extremely useful to have a switch connector available in Alteryx. What I mean by a switch connector is a connecting line with an on/off state that will block the data stream through it when off. Something like below:

This image is not available because: You don’t have the privileges to see it, or it has been removed from the system
Switch Connector in an "Off" state

This would be extremely useful when you only want data to flow down some of the paths. In the example above, I might turn the switch connector to off because I want to see the Summarize results without outputting to a document.

The current methods for having a path/set of tools present but unused are insufficient for my needs. The two methods I and Alteryx support were able to find were:

1. Deleting the connecting line - This works, but throws up errors. Even though this is functional, it looks bad when I need to present my Alteryx module and there are errors.
2. Putting the tools in a disabled tool container - I cannot see the tools when the container is disabled. I want to be able to see my tool set-up even when I am not using it.

This is inspired by the use of switches in electrical circuit design, such as:
This image is not available because: You don’t have the privileges to see it, or it has been removed from the system
Please comment if you also think this would be useful, or if you have ideas for ways to improve it further. Thank you!

Hi all 


Currently when you set your workflow to don't write outputs (disable all tools that write output) under runtime of the configuration of workflow- the render and green output tools become greyed out and do not write an output (as expected). 


However, this is not the case for connectors - for example, if you use the SharePoint output tool and click disable all tools that write output, it will not be greyed out and still write an output. Is it possible for these connectors to also not run when this is selected in the configuration? As otherwise currently, you have to add it to a container and disable it.


I know y'all are working on data lineage for some future offering and it is very much needed. For highest quality results, please make logs a primary source of lineage information. Being able to use dynamic naming with some tools and macros makes the names in the workflows simple foobar placeholders and do not reflect what actually happened. Today Connect doesn't use logs and leaves many lineage gaps because of this


Please move this to a more appropriate category if needed. This future feature work is not part of Connect.


Hi Team,


With Sharepoint Tool 2.3.0 , We are unable to connect Sharepoint Lists with service Principal Authentication as it requires SharePoint - Application permission - Sites.Read.All and Sites.ReadWrite.All in Microsoft Azure App. However, as those permissions will gets access to all sites in respective Organization community, it is impossible for any company to provide as it leaks data security. Kindly provide any alternative or change in permsiions for Sharepoint Connectivity with thumbprint in Alteryx.


Regerence Case with Alteryx Support : Case #00619824


Thanks & Regards

Vamsi Krishna



Not sure if this Idea was already posted (I was not able to find an answer), but let me try to explain.


When I am using Mongo DB Input tool to query AlteryxService Mongo DB (in order to identify issues on the Gallery) I have to extract all data from Collection AS_Result.

The problem is that here we have huge amount of data and extracting and then parsing _ServiceData_ (blob) consume time and system resources.


This solution I am proposing is to add Sorting option to Mongo input tool. Simple choice ASC or DESC order. 



Thanks to that I can extract in example last 200 records and do my investigation instead of extracting everything 


In addition it will be much easier to estimate daily workload and extract (via scheduler) only this amount of data we need to analyze every day ad load results to external BD.




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