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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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It seems Alteryx does not have option to add metadata while adding the S3 object using S3 data connector. It has to be done using REST API calls via download tool or via javascript tool. As S3 is widely used now to store large files it would be handy to be add the functionality to add or extract metadata via S3 connectors.

It will also be useful if S3 connectors accept a field name in the object name instead of hardcoding the name or path.

Hi there,


When you connect to a DB using a connection string or an alias - this shows up in the Workflow Dependancies in a way that is very useful to allow you to identify impacts if a DB is moved or migrated.


However - in 2023.1, if you use DCM then the database dependancies just show up as .\ which makes dependancy management much more difficult.





Please could you add the capability to view the DCM dependancies correctly in the dependancy window?


BTW - this workflow Dependancy Window would be a great place to build a simple process to move existing DB connections to a DCM connection!


CC: @wesley-siu @_PavelP 

Hi Alteryx Team! 


Think an easy/useful tool enhancement would be to add a search bar on the "Tables" tab in the "Choose Table or Specify Query" popup when connecting to an In-DB source.

Current state, you have to scroll through all your tables to find the one you're looking for. Would be a HUGE help and time saver if I could just go in and search for a key word I know is in my table name.



Shopify is a popular software for e-commerce. With Shopify Connector in Alteryx, it will be very helpful for Alteryx users to integrate with Shopify. 

In the Python 3.6/3.8 versions of SF Input Tool, the business name of an object is returned (e.g., Quote).  In the now-deprecated Macro-based version of SF Input, the technical name was returned (e.g., Quote, Quote__c, SBQQ_Quote__c).


With the Python Input tools, there are multiple occurrences of "Quote" to select from with the SF Input tool.  This is confusing and leads to "guessing" which object is the right one.


See attached screenshots.


My proposal is to add an option to the SF Input tool to allow the workflow developer to choose whether technical or business names should be returned.



I had an idea and I am sorry if I classified the enhancement incorrectly. In many of our solutions, we are using OneDrive as a source of our input/output files due to its ability to have folder permissions set by the end users, its flexibility in storage space, as well as others. These workflows run great locally as we have the folders mapped to our local machine however we currently don't have a way to connect directly to them on the server. I know there is a OneDrive connector that leverages a Client ID and Secret key however we have not had much luck leveraging them. Would it be possible to create a OneDrive Connector that functions similarly to the Publish to Tableau Server or the SharePoint connector that leverages user credentials and allows you to read and write from OneDrive folders and interface with them similar to a standard Input/Output tool? 

Could the Input connector have capability to load data from an ODS / OpenDocument Spreadsheet?


Currently file with an ODS has to be opened using Microsoft Excel. Save file as xls or xlsx extension.


Also an ODS file with 373 columns/fields required to have fewer columns /fields to use the Alteryx Input connector.


Submitting this idea, after initially logging on the community board.

I would like to see the Publish to Tableau Server tool updated to allow appending an extract with Encryption at Rest enabled.  As data security requirements become more stringent, this would be a beneficial option.  Right now, I'm only able to create or overwrite an extract if I've turned on server-wide encryption at rest enforcement in Tableau Server.

It would be awesome if I could re-display the users selections to them before I continue with the remainder of the workflow in an analytic app. That way, I could collect all of the UI inputs, do my validation on the values provided and then re-display the selections/options/text to the user so they can confirm that they are correct and they wish to continue, or they can stop the processing and make changes via the already-open UI without having to re-enter everything from scratch.


Then, when someone selects something that's potentially harmful or very time consuming, I can confirm their selections and alert them to potential issues.

The current Power BI Connector can only be used to publish to Power BI in the cloud but not to a local Power BI server. I would like to suggest the idea to improve this connector and configure it in a similar way to the Publish to Tableau Server Connector. The connector should allow to publish to a local url. See attachment.


The current Salesforce connection tool is cumbersome and buggy.  It would be nice if there was a way to easily connect to salesforce so that I didn't have to update my passwords and tokens everytime I make a change.  IT would also be nice if i didn't have to do this from the server on every single salesforce connection object I have.  This current product is tiresome and cumbesome.  At Inspire I was told I should just use an odbc connection.  But after researching that those come at an additional cost as well.

The challenge:

We have hundreds of SOAP based Salesforce (SF) connectors in our scheduled modules that were created with Alteryx 9.0-9.5. Alteryx 10.0+ is now using REST API based SF connectors. We have to replace all of these connectors when we move to 10.0+.


Proposed idea:

Alteryx creates an automated process for converting SOAP SF connectors to REST API SF connectors, so that when you open an old module in 10.0+, they are automatically updated.


This seems feasible as the information supplied by Alteryx users for the SOAP SF connectors is sufficient for the REST API SF connectors to work (i.e. URL, username, password, security token, table name, fields, WHERE clause, etc...).




Hello Alteryx Community!


My suggestion is for a ColdFusion connector - specifically Web Services built in *.cfc files....


Perhaps being able to connect to any *cfm webpage to bring in and identify the data from a webpage or Web Service and then import into an Alteryx Workflow & thus be able to output some meaningful informational reports.

One of our biggest issues when updating our Salesforce instance from our Oracle Database is the difference in column names. It would be nice to be able to map the fields as needed rather than having to redefine the columns in a Select tool or Dynamic Rename tool. This would allow more end users to understand what the tool is doing.

We are seeing a trend where database teams are using certificate authentication with process ids instead of passwords.  It would be extremely beneficial if Alteryx supported this type of authentication so that users can utilize the benefits of process ids instead of their individual ids which require password changes every 45 days.  The database team that is currently switching to this type of authentication is the Mainframe DB2 team but it would be great if Alteryx enabled this for all database platforms.

Alteryx S3 connector currently supports only SSE-S3 encryption. Current version of alteryx S3 connector does not use AWS Signature Version 4, so it fails to upload/download S3 objects which encrypted using AWS KMS keys. This is much needed feature for S3 connector.

Hi, Wanted to see a connector tool for DoubleClick Search similar like Google Analytics and Adobe Connector. This would be a huge reporting benefit for a lot of digital marketing companies - worth putting effort for. Other vendors have done this in the past. 

Hi there,


When connecting to data sources using DCM - could we please add the ability to make JDBC connections?




As mentioned in these threads - JDBC is very common in large enterprises - and in many cases is better supported by the technology teams / developer community and so is much easier to make a connection.    Added to this - there are many databases (e.g. DB2) where JDBC connections are just much easier 


Please could you add JDBC connections to the DCM tooling?


Thank you



cc: @wesley-siu @_PavelP 

As an Alteryx Designer user I would like the ability to write .hyper files to a subdirectory on Tableau Server to keep make my Tableau site easier to manage.

Connect to PowerPivot data model or an Atomsvc file 

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