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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Select Two Consecutive Tools and Swap Order

I sometimes find that a workflow would be more efficient if I swapped the order of a couple tools. It would be cool if we could select 2 tools and then right-click or something to swap them.

7 - Meteor

Yes!! This would come in so handy. 

6 - Meteoroid

Agree... just had a workflow where this could have saved a lot of time!

6 - Meteoroid

Great idea!

7 - Meteor

This is really useful functionality! 


7 - Meteor

This has been out here for over 2 years and no joy? I just came out here to suggest this idea but you beat me to it. This would really be great if it could be implemented. Would save a bunch of time when needed.

7 - Meteor

I came here to suggest the same idea but realised that it has been around 'forever'.  Any chance this can be implemented soon?  I agree with every comment made ahead of me on this thread.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Very simple but so cool!! Loved it!!