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SMTP Authentication with Microsoft Office 365

Alteryx does not currently have to email tool that is configurable to use SMTP Authentication for Microsoft Office 365 or any server requiring authentication.  Our office printer can authenticate over SMTP and with TLS enabled why not my Alteryx mail tool - 'mic drop!'


Further explained, Alteryx is a tool that needs to live within abide by the policies and security standards in the organization not vice versa.  Therefore, it shouldn't be a big surprise, or a big ask for that matter, that a mail client should have the ability to authenticate prior to sending email of SMTP.   I'm very surprised this tool is so arcane.  Please implement quickly.  Thank you

6 - Meteoroid

I have a couple of customers that have been asking for this functionality to be delivered in their workflows, and we haven't been able to implement an integrated solution.

5 - Atom

Yes, would be a very useful addition

7 - Meteor

Definitely a requirement that I've come across, well worth adding.

8 - Asteroid

+1 for me. I was able to utilize a workaround, but only due to the leniency of my IT team.

5 - Atom

Much needed feature. I have been unable to implement email tasks for past projects because SMTP authentication is required, yet unsupported by Alteryx.

5 - Atom

Completely agree! Sending an unauthenticated email will either flag it as spam or not even deliver it. This functionality is really needed!

5 - Atom

This will be a great feature to add.

10 - Fireball

I think (and hope) this should be added soon. Especially if you only work with Gmail.

5 - Atom

Email integration is a basic feature to ask from any application, especially an application that provides workflows and reports.

Using "BLAT" a local solution written sometime in the 80's-90's is not really an option to any organization that respects it's IT infrastructure.


7 - Meteor

Hi! If you work with Gmail, you can now use a Macro to send emails (or create drafts) with or without attachments! Have a look at this post

I would love to hear some feedback about it!