Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Having Search Functionality built in to List Box Interface Tools

Right now, the List Box interface tool allows end users to select multiple options of fields for selections, filtering, and formatting/formulating. 


However, it doesn't do quite as good when a use case has over 1,000+ columns/fields. This is made even more complicated with each column/field having somewhat similar naming conventions thereby causing confusion. 


Having a search function, as made available in standard Select Tools, Join tools, and other tools that has filtering capacity, will be most helpful for developers to give maximum flexibility to end users.


Agreed. One of the most popular tools in the interface category is the list box tool.

Enhancing it will undoubtedly improve the user's experience with analytic apps in both the designer and server.👍

7 - Meteor

Completely agree with this. By having a search bar for the interface tool, user will be able to have more flexibility in setting up their own parameters. I have been getting queries from clients quite often as well regarding this feature.

10 - Fireball

Agree. You could even extend this to the tree interface tool. Search for a word, department for instance, and it'll auto select that level.