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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Enhance options for Excel output

Please improve the Excel XLSX output options in the Output tool, or create a new Excel Output tool, 
or enhance the Render tool to include an Excel output option, with no focus on margins, paper size, or paper orientation


The problem with the current Basic Table and Render tools are they are geared towards reporting, with a focus on page size and margins.
Many of us use Excel as simply a general output method, with no consideration for fitting the output on a printed page.


The new tool or Render enhancement would handle different formats/different schemas without the need for a batch macro, and would include the options below.


The only current option to export different schemas to different Sheets in one Excel file, without regard to paper formatting, is to use a batch macro and include the CReW macro Wait a Second, to allow Excel to properly shut down before a new Sheet is created, to avoid file-write-contention issues.


Including the Wait a Second macro increased the completion time for one of my workflows by 50%, as shown in the screehshots below.


I have a Powershell script that includes many of the formatting options below, but it would be a great help if a native Output or Reporting tool included these options:


Allow options below for specific selected Sheet names, or for All Sheets

AllColumns_MaxWidth: Maximum width for ALL columns in the spreadsheet. Default value = 50. This value can be changed for specific columns by using option Column_SetWidth.

Column_SetWidth: Set selected columns to an exact width. For the selected columns, this value will override the value in AllColumns_MaxWidth.


Column_Centered: Set selected columns to have text centered horizontally.


Column_WrapText: Set selected columns to Wrap text.


AllCells_WrapText: Checkbox: wrap text in every cell in the entire worksheet. Default value = False.


AllRows_AutoFit: Checkbox: to set the height for every row to autofit. Default value False.


Header_Format: checkbox for Bold, specify header cells background color, Border size: 1pt, 2pt, 3pt, and border color, Enable_Data_Filter: checkbox


Header_freeze_top_row: checkbox, or specify A2:B2 to freeze panes


Sheet_overflow: checkbox: if the number of Sheet rows exceeds Excel limit, automatically create the next sheet with "(2)" appended


Column_format_Currency: Set selected columns to Currency: currency format, with comma separators, and negative numbers colored red.


Column_format_TwoDecimals: Set selected columns to Two decimals: two decimals, with comma separators, and negative numbers colored red.
Note: If the same field name is used in Column_Currency and Column_TwoDecimals, the field will be formatted with two decimals, and not formatted as currency.

Column_format_ShortDate: Set selected columns to Short Date: the Excel default for Short Date is "MM/DD/YYYY".


File_suggest_read_only: checkbox: Set flag to display this message when a user opens the Excel file: "The author would like you to open 'Analytic List.xlsx' as read-only unless you need to make changes. Open as read-only?
vb code: xlWB.ReadOnlyRecommended = True


File_name_include_date_time: checkboxes to add file name Prefix or Suffix with creation Date and/or Time





My only current option: use a batch macro, plus a Wait a Second macro, to write different formats/schemas to multiple Sheets in one Excel file:

Excel output enhancement - must now use a Macro and Wait a Second.jpg

Using the Wait a Second macro, to allow Excel to shut down before writing a new Sheet, to avoid write-contention issues, results in a workflow that runs 50% longer:

Excel output enhancement - Wait a Second increased runtime by 50 percent.jpg


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @ChrisTX thanks for your idea! Also, you make a good point about exporting different schemas to different sheets in one excel file.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@ChrisTX A lot of great ideas in your post.

8 - Asteroid

Hi @ChrisTX and Alteryx developer,

maybe - I don’t know whether it is technical possible - to create first for each output a sort of „virtual“ sheet, storing them in a „cache“ and put them together in one excel file in a final step?

just an idea.



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
15 - Aurora

After @NicoleJ delivers the new Control Container functionality, I hope her team can help with a solid solution to write different layouts to multiple sheets in one Excel file without using a macro, and without write-contention errors.

15 - Aurora

It looks like the new Control Container could help with this one challenge:

  • ability to export different formats/different schemas without the need for a batch macro

...but if we have a different Control Container for each Sheet we want to write to, we'll have to list the same output file multiple times


And I would still need my Powershell script to implement the numerous formatting options listed above.

6 - Meteoroid
Status changed to: Under Review