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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Bring the Tabbed Document feature back in version 2022.1.

After multiple years of using Alteryx, The tabbed document feature was left out of 2022.1.  This feature allows for a much cleaner canvas for exploring workflow and output data.  I view this feature as a basic function of Alteryx, I was surprised to find out that the development team intentionally omitted this function.   I really don't want to revert back to older versions but it may be only the way to have a more comfortable feel of Alteryx.

7 - Meteor

I can only support this idea, makes no sense, consumes space  which I need for the canvas...


So, please, please, please, don't improve by remove in the future!!!!

7 - Meteor

Please bring this back!

2023.1.1.336 Patch 5 here and this feature is not available!

Missing it soooo much