Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

Package all Alteryx sanctioned Gallery Macros for distribution

Looking at the Gallery - there are dozens of great macros and tools and connectors which have been built and provided by Alteryx.


However for large enterprise clients - it becomes difficult to distribute these tools because every tool has to be downloaded; repacked for the internal environment; and then distributed, and so as a result these are not able to be used or appreciated by large clients because of this overhead of packaging.


There's an easy way round this - which is to do a daily package (automated) of the gallery assets provided by Alteryx, and make this available for download - that way, enterprise admins can then download the latest version of the Alteryx connectors; predicitve tools etc.        


Is this something we could look into?

6 Comentarios
15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Great Idea Sean!

I found myself spending some valuable time downloading and installing macros from the gallery, everytime I setup a new Designer or Server environment.

My 2 cents on this:

There are at least 4 main types of Macros in the Gallery, with many sub-types:

- Alteryx developed and mantained

- User Created (but Alteryx verified content)

- User Created (no Alteryx verifications)

- Partner Promotional Macros (That eventualy leads you to "paid" content)


I'd go with at least the 3 first types, everyone with it's own disclaimer/clarifyng note (Like "Install this at your own risk" or something).


On installer size concerns, this may be a separate one that doesn't affect main products installers?



12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Could some of the server API endpoints allow this better now with 21.4? It would be great if it automatically pulled it as part of the versions and then the admin only needs to go in and enable it as the "published" version of the marco. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
El estado se ha cambiado a: Revisit

Changing this to "Revisit" as this would be a highly complex project that would involve multiple areas of the product team as well as the community team to work seamlessly. We can begin looking at the requirements but this is not something that can be solely executed by the community team.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

I still think that Gallery should be part of the Product's responsibilities, not community. They are not plain content, they are tools, some of them used in production environments by a lot of customers.

IMHO, this is what needs to be "revisited"

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

This is a consistent question i have seen from many users. Would be very useful if implemented.

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

I see that on a similar way @Aguisande see. This should be the responsibility of the product, not of the community.


Also, tools like the blueprism connector that were made by partners could have a technology partner stamp so that anyone who downloads the tool knows it came from the tech provider. That will make it easier for some companies to use tools that didn't come from the Alteryx team because of their own security policies.


Another point, it would the way to make users know about the existent tools. It is not hard to I find customers that don't know about useful existent in the gallery. Organize them in packages and implement a feature in the product to find them easier, like a marketplace, would make them more accessible.