Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
Image Face Recognition Using Microsoft Cognitive Services API!
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Error: "Cursors are not supported" or "Cursor support is not an implemented feature" when running a workflow against SQL Server or Azure Synapse.
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Not able to select a different database for existing Gallery connections for SQL Server within Designer.
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Error: "Query timeout" when running a workflow connected to Amazon Athena.
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Spatial Data from SQL Server shows up as "None", "Null", or other characters in the Input Data tool.
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How to clear the INDBC file history in the Manage In-DB Connections window.
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Not able to clear the connection string history. There is no option or button to clear it.
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An in depth look at how Apache Spark works with Alteryx and the data sources available.
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In this article, I am going to show you how to load data into snowflake using Alteryx Database Connections!
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.NET Framework is a software framework developed by Microsoft that supports the building and running of apps and XML web services. The framework version can have an impact on the installation and operation of Alteryx.
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Use the Google BigQuery Input tool to query a table from Google BigQuery and read it into Designer...
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Alteryx has the ability to create and query Pre and Post SQL statements. Using this feature is good if you need to create a temporary table, delete or update the table before running the select. With this, you also have the ability to run stored procedures (via exec stored_procedure;) before and after the actual query as well.
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Stored Procedures are a batch of SQL statements that can be executed in a couple of ways
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How to register and create Dynamics CRM Application on Azure
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Tips for when there isn't enough room on Designer canvas
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Welcome to Alteryx 11.0 new feature Data Profiling in the Browse Tool.  We are excited about this and we hope you will be too! The Data Profiling in the Browse tool was created to assist the user in better understanding the quality of their data at any point within the workflow. This option will assist users in understanding the quality of their data, assist in troubleshooting and help fix issues that may arise when attempting to parse, join, or output their data.
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This article entails a list of what the tool can do at this point and what it can’t at this point. Also, short instructions on how to set up the tool. 
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The Make Columns Tool takes rows of data and arranges them by wrapping records into multiple columns. The user can specify how many columns to create and whether they want records to layout horizontally or vertically.
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Upon creating a BINGO game, I came across a technique that I thought could be useful in "real world" scenarios for users who are attempting to iterate a process and then replenishing the data after a certain amount of time.
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You may have seen the modulo (mod) function used in the awesome Collatz Conjecture macro on the Gallery; here, it's used to determine the parity of the entered integer.  Depending on if the number is even or odd, a different set of operations is applied to the value.
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If you ran across this error: Logistic Regression: Error in searchDir(dbDir, lang) : Logistic Regression: Expecting a single string value: [type=NULL; extent=0] read this article!
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