Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
Error: "Oracle driver: You are not licensed to use this DataDirect Technologies product" when connecting to Oracle in Designer.
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While trying to run an App, the Action tool errors out as - "Render(8): The file is not a supported format" in the Alteryx Designer.
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Cannot update passwords in the Input Data or the Output Data tool.
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Error, "Error SQLPrepare: [Teradata][ODBC Teradata Driver][Teradata Database] The object name is too long in NFD/NFC." when connecting to Teradata.
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Error - Unable to find the dll: "telapi.dll", when using the Teradata Bulk Loader option in the Output Data tool.
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How to load data with backslash (\) in Amazon Redshift Bulk Load
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Internal Error in Field_Blob::GetAsSpatialBlob: Invalid SpatialBlob when using Spatial Object in SQL Server
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While trying to connect the Oracle DB through Designer, it results in the below error: "Connection Error: Attempt to load Oracle client libraries threw BadImageFormatException. This problem will occur when running in 64 bit mode with the 32 bit Oracle client components installed." You have installed 64 Bit Oracle 11g client in the machine, where you have the Designer.
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Leading Zeroes Removed When Writing String Data to Google Sheets   When writing string data to Google Sheets that contain leading zeros, the leading zeros are removed after being written to Google:     Environment   Product - Alteryx Designer All Versions Product - Google Sheets Diagnosis   Google automatically formats values when they are written to a cell. The same behavior occurs when manually entering data into the sheet directly. When looking at the web traffic, one can see that the following is sent to Google from Alteryx:   <batch:operation type="update"/> <id></id> <gs:cell row="4" col="1" inputValue="00004"/>   The correct value "00004" appears as the InputValue. Google then returns the following:   gs:cell [ row=3 col=2 inputValue=4 numericValue=4.0 ]   Google has interpreted "00004" as a number and automatically converted it to "4."   Solution   You can workaround this by placing an apostrophe in front of the value within Alteryx prior to writing the data:     This forces Google to interpret the data as a string and include the leading zeroes. The following is a sample formula that adjusts all rows within a field to include a leading apostrophe:   "'" + [Field1]   Additional Resources   Google Sheets Output Help Documentation
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Note: This article is out of date. CLICK HERE for up-to-date, single source help on magnification, mouse keys, mouse, and keyboard shortcuts in the Alteryx Designer product. There are many different keyboard shortcuts to help you in your task of building modules in Alteryx.  As in most software packages, the standard set of keyboard functions native to the Windows operating system also apply to Alteryx.   Handy shortcuts specific to Alteryx: Ctrl + Alt + B : Show/Hide Toolbar Ctrl + Alt + T : Show/Hide Toolbox Ctrl + Alt + V : Show/Hide Overview Ctrl + Alt + R : Show/Hide Results Window Ctrl + Alt + C : Show/Hide Configuration Window Ctrl + Alt + D : Show/Hide Interface Designer Ctrl + Shift + B : Add all Browses after selected tools Ctrl + R : Run Workflow F5 : Refresh Configuration Ctrl + Shift + - : Align selected tools horizontally Ctrl + Shift + + : Align selected tools vertically Ctrl + Arrow Key : Nudge tool by one pixel The full list of keyboard shortcuts can be found here.   Canvas Navigation was updated in Alteryx Version 10.1. Check out the blog posted here. Standard Shortcuts Ctrl + N : Open a new workflow Ctrl + O : Open an existing workflow Ctrl + Z : Undo Ctrl + Y : Redo Ctrl + F : Find Tool (this allows you to find tools in your workflow by name or number) Ctrl + X : Cut selected (in the canvas this will cut the selected tools, text will be cut if the text is selected inside the tool's configuration window) Ctrl + C : Copy selected tools (in the canvas this will copy the selected tools, text will be copied if the text is selected inside the tool's configuration window.  Also, you can select specific rows from a browse tool and copy those rows using this command) Ctrl + V : Paste tools (if rows have been copied from a Browse tool this command will create a Text Input on the canvas of copied rows from the clipboard) Ctrl + A : Selects all tools in the workflow Ctrl + S : Save your module (SaveAs if this is the first time the module is being saved) F1 :This single button will bring up the help file specific to the tool you have selected on the canvas, otherwise it pulls up the generic help window. Ctrl + Tab : Switch between open workflows (if you have more than one workflow open in a single session of Alteryx)   Other commands and Handy Shortcuts: Right Click and Drag : Inside a select tool, or any tool with  "Select" functionality, you can select a field, or group of fields, and right click and drag those fields to a new destination in the field structure.  This eliminates needing to click the Up/Down arrows to reorder fields. Hold down the mouse wheel : Pan the canvas Space Bar + Left mouse click : Pan the canvas Shift + mouse wheel : Scroll canvas horizontally Ctrl + roll mouse wheel : Zoom the Canvas Ctrl + Arrow Key : Nudge tool by one pixel Splash Screen : To remove the splash screen while the program loads simply click on the image Open one or more files : Drag files from Windows Explorer directly to the canvas. Workflow files (*.yxmd, *.yxwz, *.yxmc) will open directly in a new tab on the module canvas. Data files will be represented by a configured Input Tool for each data file on the active workflow.
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Issue   When using the Salesforce Input tool, the following error is seen at run-time:   400: Bad Request     This may only occur on some tables It fails almost immediately after the workflow starts running. It may also been seen on the Salesforce Credentials screen along with the error: invalid_grant: authentication failure     Environment   Alteryx Designer Version 2018.3+ Salesforce Input tool Version 4.0 or 4.1   Diagnosis   Confirm where you are seeing the error. If it is on the Salesforce Credentials configuration page when you click Connect, and you see "invalid_grant", please see Solution B.   Otherwise, validate the query to get a more verbose error log.   1. Use the Query Builder option (this is the default option) and select the Table and Output Fields you want to read in. 2. Change to the Custom Query option and click the Validate button:   3. If you receive the error: "OPERATION_TOO_LARGE: exceeded 100000 distinct ids", see Solution A.     Solution A   The data you are attempting to pull is too large to be returned in one call based on the Salesforce API limits used by the Salesforce Input Tool. Limit the number of results returned by modifying the WHERE Clause (SOQL) in the tool's configuration:     Please see the Additional Resources section below for a guide on SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language). Here are some suggestions:   Try limiting date fields by relative dates : CreatedDate = THIS_YEAR Try limiting a string field to a certain value: Name='SFDC Computing' You can also combine conditions with logical operators like AND & OR: Name='SFDC Computing' AND NumberOfEmployees>25 For more advanced comparisons, you can perform fuzzy matches by using the LIKE operator. For example, you can retrieve all accounts whose names start with SFDC by using this condition:  WHERE Name LIKE 'SFDC%' - The % wildcard character matches any or no character. The _ character in contrast can be used to match just one character.     Solution B   The credentials are incorrect. Please confirm your Username, Password, and Token are correct.     Additional Resources   Salesforce Knowledge Base - Write SOQL Queries Salesforce Knowledge Base - Reset Your Security Token
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Amazon Redshift: Check 'stl_load_errors' system table for error details   When writing to Amazon Redshift, the following error appears:     Data Stream In (x): The COPY failed with error: [Amazon][Amazon Redshift] (30) Error occurred while trying to execute a query: [SQLState XX000] ERROR: Load into table 'ayx1XXX' failed. Check 'stl_load_errors' system table for details.     Environment   Alteryx Designer In-DB connection to Amazon Redshift   Cause   Amazon Redshift uses the stl_load_errors table to track errors that happen when loading data to a Redshift table. This table contains error messages that will provide necessary detail to determine the cause for an error.    For more information on the stl_load_errors table, see Amazon's STL LOAD_ERROR documentation.      Solution   Users with appropriate permissions can access the table themselves to investigate errors: Open a new Alteryx workflow. Drag an Input Tool on the canvas. Connect to the Redshift database. Go to the SQL Editor Window and enter the following query:    Select * From stl_load_errors   Run the workflow. The table will return an error code and an error reason. Use the column "starttime" to find the right error. See Amazon's STL_LOAD_ERROR documentation for a detailed explanation of all fields on the table and their load error reference for a list of errors.    Solution B    If the user doesn't have access to the table themselves, their DBA should be able to provide the same information.      Error Message examples   String length exceeds DDL length   Input data exceeded the acceptable range for the data type, try increasing the field size in Alteryx to resolve the error.  This often happens with multi-byte characters. In Alteryx, field size relates to characters, i.e.the value 'Góðan dag' only needs a field length of 9. In Redshift, field size is in bytes, to write out 'Góðan dag', the field size has to be at least 11.  See Amazon's document on Redshift character types for more information. Multibyte character not supported for CHAR (Hint: try using VARCHAR)   The CHAR datatype in Redshift only accepts single-byte UTF-8 characters. The VARCHAR datatype accepts multi-byte characters, to a maximum of four bytes. The WString datatype in Alteryx is translated into a CHAR datatype in Redshift. To load multi-byte characters into Redshift, use the V_WString datatype in Alteryx.      Additional Resources   STL_LOAD_ERRORS Documentation from Amazon Database Issues – Working with Alteryx Customer Support Engineers (CSEs)    
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  ******************* Update 10/16/2019 Tips + Tricks is at Inspire Europe ! We added some exciting 2019.3 tips & tricks to our book for this occasion. New version is attached.   ***************************   Thanks to everyone that joined us in Nashville for our 2019 Tips and Tricks tour and special thanks to everyone who submitted tips for our Tips + Tricks Book.   Enclosed you will find 91 pages full of Tips + Tricks that will help you save clicks in Alteryx.  The Tips and Tricks book covers our fan favorite tips for saving time when developing workflows and our best tips for organization. Utilize the book to learn everything from workflow design to organization, optimization, to our best time savers.    We hope to see you all at our next Tips and Tricks session.       @MargaritaW , @JessicaS  & @HenrietteH  Your Customer Support Engineering Team  
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Issue   Saving or running the workflow in the Designer causes the following error to occur:   An Unhandled Exception occurred. A previous action may not have completed successfully. Click OK to send the development team the error log so that we can fix this error in a subsequent release.   Environment   Alteryx Designer   Diagnosis    Checking the logs from %PROGAMFILES%\Alteryx\ErrorLogs\AlteryxGUI shows the following error:   Alteryx Designer x64 - 2019.2.5.62427 Type: System.ArgumentException Message: Cannot have ']]>' inside an XML CDATA block. Source: System.Xml OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 OS Is x64 Capable: True Selected Plugin: LockInGui.LockInSelect.LockInSelect Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2676 v3 @ 2.40GHz Private Memory: 380923904 -------------------------------------------- at System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteCData(String text) at System.Xml.XmlElement.WriteElementTo(XmlWriter writer, XmlElement e) at System.Xml.XmlElement.WriteContentTo(XmlWriter w)   Cause   The use of "]]>" in the following tools (not an exhaustive list) causes the error: Formula tool Filter tool Report text tool R tool Python tool   Solution   Avoid using "]]>" in the tool or escape the ">" to "&gt;".
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Platform Product: Database Issues – Working with Alteryx Customer Support Engineers (CSEs) Database Issues – Working with Alteryx Customer Support Engineers (CSEs) To EXPEDITE the resolution of your case, please include the below information. Please be advised you may be asked to provide more information as needed.   Database Connections- Requested Information  *** Suggestion: copy/paste the questions below and email the supporting documentation to   1. Detailed description of the issue 2. Alteryx Version 3. Screenshot and full text of the error 4. Specifics on the database (including driver, driver version, database version, and the connection string) 5.  ODBC Trace Log file     Database Connections – Requested Information (Detailed Instructions): ***All of the below are not required, but please send what you can provide.   1. Detailed Description of the Issue – When did the issue start?  Has it worked in the past? Are all users affected or just some?  What are the steps to reproduce your issue? Are you able to connect to the database using another program? If this worked in the past, do you have any information on what has changed (Designer upgrade, database upgrade, driver upgrade, etc.)?   2. Alteryx Version – Our Customer Support Engineers need to know the precise version so we can replicate any issues.   In Alteryx, click Help > About and provide a screenshot, or the exact version number.   3. Screenshot of error, screenshot of tool/connection configuration, and full text of error - Click CTRL+Print Screen to capture the error and paste into your e-mail/Support Case. Note: You may wish to Google the error text research the issue. The Knowledge Base is also a great place to search the error text as well. - To copy the full error text, Right Click on the error in the Results window and select 'Copy Selected'. Paste into your e-mail/Support Case.     - For standard database connections, include a screenshot of the configuration of the Input Tool:     - For In-DB connections, include a screenshot of the Manage In-DB Connections window for your connection (include both Read and Write tabs):       4.  Specifics on the database* you are connecting to.  Please provide the following:   - The database you are connecting to, and the database version (if known) - The driver you are using, and driver version (this can be found through the Windows ODBC Connection Manager) - Location of the database (on-prem or cloud based, if known) - If you are not using a DSN, please provide the Connection String, i.e.: odbc:Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};,1433;Database=default;;Pwd=__EncPwd1__;Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=no;Connection Timeout=30; This can be found in the Input Tool or the Manage In-DB Connections window (see point 3 for screenshots).   *Our list of supported datasources can be found here: Supported Data Sources and File Formats   5. ODBC Trace Log file - Follow the steps on this article: How To: Gather ODBC Logs for troubleshooting Suggested Links: Troubleshooting Database Connections How To: Connect to an Oracle Database in Alteryx Connecting to Hadoop Data source name not found and no default driver specified How To: Connect to an OleDB Data Source
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The below is taken from the Tips & Tricks series presented at Inspire 2016. Special thanks to Margarita Wilshire and the Customer Support team for compiling these useful tips!
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In Alteryx, there are 5 customizable options within the Cross-validation screen.
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  Be sure to first understand that different people/organizations all have different definitions on what they mean by rounding.  Once you are clear on what you need, you can use Alteryx to round your numbers.   Example 1: Divided by the place you want to round to, use CEIL to round up, then multiply back by the place:   324 to 400 CEIL([Number] / 100) * 100   Example 2: Ceiling and floor just go to the nearest integer.  The ROUND(x, multiple) function will allow you to specify the level of precision on which to round, very similar to Excel.  But you can't specify the direction, so in your example, if your did ROUND(3425.123,1000) it would return 3000.   Example 3:  Please see the attached v10.0 workflow which is more dynamic. The text input identifies the mapping for the conversion joined with length of source input - then an expression is applied in the Formula Tool.         The final output.      More on rounding.
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Connecting to Hadoop HDFS/Hive/Impala/Spark with Alteryx Designer.
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