Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
Creating Dates from Excel Date Formatted as Number
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You may have noticed that the Cross Tab tool will insert underscores in your headers.
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A guide to omit a record if the fields are null
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Rather than develop complex processes to calculate cumulative totals, the Running Total tool can help you compute these calculations quickly and easily. What’s more is that this tool is not only useful for calculating accumulation in a dataset, but it has also proved effective in calculating running reductions, or withdrawals, in datasets as well.
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Use Designer to capture the first available value from a set of fields in two ways: if-statements, data manipulation
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Here is a simple tip to create a Text Input tool with multi-line records.
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Have you ever wanted to do a Cross Tab, but needed the results in a particular order?  You've probably discovered that Cross Tab will dutifully change your data to column headings and keep the rest of the data correlated, but that the output columns will be arranged in alphabetical order.  It's as if there were a Select tool with the "Sort on Field Name" Option thrown into your workflow without you putting it there.  \n  
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We frequently get questions about how to flag rows in a  data set that are missing values in any column.  \n  \n In the example below, we will demonstrate how to add a new column to the data that gives a count of null or empty values per row. The end result will give a count of 1 to each of the highlighted rows in the image.  The new column can be used in a filter tool to isolate rows of data that have missing values.
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The Make Columns Tool takes rows of data and arranges them by wrapping records into multiple columns. The user can specify how many columns to create and whether they want records to layout horizontally or vertically.
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Troubleshooting the Error: The field “[field_name]” is missing. Compare the tool configuration with the input stream.
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Is there a way to avoid the Cross Tab Tool from transferring all the input information alphabetically? Simply add a RecordID to your records and add the RecordID field as a grouping field in your Cross Tab Tool to keep the order!
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I have a need to take the distinct row values and convert them into a new column...
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This article was put together to resolve a common issue with cleansing your data as well as to show the use of tools and techniques that are not normally used for newer users. The goal of the article is to get newer users into these tools to open their creativity with the tool and hopefully take you to the next level!   In this use case, the data in the attached workflow is messy with capitalized strings all over the place. We want to format the data by removing some of the capitalization, but not all of it.   Note: If we wanted to make every first letter of the word capitalized we can use the Formula Tool and the TitleCase(String) function. This would make BEAR the WEIGHT - Bear The Weight. See the difference?   Example:   The tools that we will be using in this exercise is the Record ID, Text to Columns, RegEx, Formula, Tile, and Cross Tab Tools.     The exercise will show you the importance of using the Record ID Tool. The flexibility of the Text to Columns and RegEx Tools, the under-used Tile Tool, the creativity of the Formula Tool, and the not so scary Cross Tab tool when then data is configured properly.   We hope that these exercise and use cases open up your mind and the greatness of Alteryx!   See attached workflow and enjoy!
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