Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
How to push spatial data into a PostgreSQL database in the proper format
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The Report Map Tool (master it here) allows to create thematic maps by selecting a "Theme" field on the Data tab and then further defining the theme on the Layers tab
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I have configured my map to zoom to a specific layer, but the map is not zooming as expected. I have confirmed that the 'Zoom to Layer' checkbox in the Layers tab of the Report Map tool is checked only for the layer in question.
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Spatial Data from SQL Server shows up as "None", "Null", or other characters in the Input Data tool.
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Troubleshooting the error: The file name is empty.
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visualize and analyze data in multi-ring trade areas
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User is getting a "missing dll" or "file not found" error when writing spatial data using the bulk loader
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Internal Error in Field_Blob::GetAsSpatialBlob: Invalid SpatialBlob when using Spatial Object in SQL Server
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