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Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
For troubleshooting installation issues, it is helpful for Support to know which files were installed.
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A walkthrough of installing prophet onto your Designer Python Tool Environment using conda-forge
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This article describes how to locate the Workbook.ipynb file behind the Python Tool in order to check access rights and resolve certain errors (most commonly, 404 errors).
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GPU cannot be detected in our Python tool environment when using the Tensorflow package.
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How to find the logs of Jupyter, web interface of Python tool
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This article explains why importing the Google Cloud BigQuery libraries v1.23.0 through the Python tool fails.
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How to fix an issue where the Python Tool Configuration Panel is blank
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When troubleshooting Python Issues in Alteryx, this Health Check can be used to determine whether your Jupyter Environment installation is complete and functional.
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Making a copy of a workflow that contains a Python tool will cause the JupyterGuidDir to be duplicated. Because of this reason, both copies will point to the same Jupyter Notebook document. If the user makes changes on one copy, the other will be changed too which is not desirable.
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This article addresses the replacement of PDF Input tool with the Image Input tool starting from 21.2 version of Alteryx Designer
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SnakePlane is an abstraction layer that makes working with the Python SDK easy! This three-part tutorial breaks down building a tool using SnakePlane and SnakePlane Pilot.
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Steps on how to reinstall a Python-based .yxi tool.
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With the Python Tool, Alteryx can manipulate your data using everyone’s favorite programming language - Python! Included with the tool are a few of pre-built libraries that extend past even the native Python download.
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Alteryx Designer comes with tools (based on both R and Python) to create and use predictive models without needing to write any code. But what if you've got custom models written in R or Python outside of Designer that you want to use in Designer, or vice versa?
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Python:ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ayx'
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Learn about the new 20.4 changes to Python.
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How to enable Jupyter Server log which is no longer created by default in 2020.1.
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What happens when one installs the YXI file of a Python-based tool in Alteryx Designer.
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How to handle metadata with Python tool.
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The Python tool interface is based on a Jupyter Notebook. As of Alteryx Designer 2018.4, the Python tool can create logs for its web configuration. The frequency of these logs can be increased by switching on the debugging log level. Note that output file will be bigger and that it will impact Python tool performance in Designer.\n  
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Fix Python tool installation error: An error occurred while installing package 'defaults::vs2015_runtime-14.16.27012-hf0eaf9b_1'. AssertionError()
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