Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
I know I set this right, but it's not doing what I want it to!
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Error: Can’t find the file: “[path\FileName]”. Make sure the file path is correct. Error text being revised from Error: File not found "[path\FileName]"
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Workflow worked in versions before 2020.3 After upgrading to 2020.3 receive error "An unknown error occurred in II_PushRecord"
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Error: "FATAL: password authentication failed for user" when PostgreSQL or Greenplum credentials contain special characters when connecting in Designer.
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A description of how the Local Staging functionality within the Snowflake Bulk Loader works
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Hive ODBC can be slow when writing to tables. If you are looking for a faster option to write to Hive and want to create a new table or overwrite an existing table, use the IN-DB tools to output your data. 
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Calgary Loader (2) PagedFile::Add: keys out of order, sort not supported yet.
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User is getting an error writing an excel file to a shared drive.
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User is getting an error when loading data to Snowflake using the local bulk loader option with an Internal Named Stage.
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Exception handling may be needed so that a scheduled workflow continues even if a pre or post Oracle SQL statement has an error.
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This article will help you configure Gallery workflows to use temporary files in the Engine’s staging directory for e-mail attachments or output.
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Characters that are not on a standard English keyboard may need translation into Unicode or a language-specific code page for Designer and database drivers to read them correctly. Characters with incorrect encoding will often appear as boxes or question marks in the Designer Results screen and error messages. Unicode characters take more bytes than English ASCII characters. Changing the column type and increasing the column size may be needed. In Designer, the column size is the number of characters, not the number of bytes.
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When attempting to publish a workflow to your private Gallery which contains the Publish to Tableau Server macro, you may encounter an error similar to this: “Cannot find macro "PublishToTableauServer_v1.08.1\Publish to Tableau Server.yxmc"
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Within Alteryx there isn't an output option directly to a text file. To achieve this you will need to use a flat ASCII file.
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Error: "Cursors are not supported" or "Cursor support is not an implemented feature" when running a workflow against SQL Server or Azure Synapse.
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Not able to select a different database for existing Gallery connections for SQL Server within Designer.
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Not able to clear the connection string history. There is no option or button to clear it.
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Troubleshooting the error: You must specify a sheet name.
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Is it possible to change a Qlikview Dashboard to Tableau using Alteryx?
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What is the delimiter when writing In-DB via HDFSC
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How to download and install SQL Server ODBC drivers.
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