Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
How to create custom error messages for App users
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This article is part of the CS Macro Development Series. The goal of this series is to communicate tips, tricks, and the thought process that goes into developing good, dynamic macros.
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Interface Designer - focusing on options specific to the Analytics App
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Did you know that instead of having to choose a save location in the Output Tool, you could leverage the directory that is used to save your temporary files?
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This article is part of the CS Macro Development Series. The goal of this series is to communicate tips, tricks, and the thought process that goes into developing good, dynamic macros.
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How to select both a file and a field within this file to create the values in the List Box
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Configure a Workflow to use a Tree Interface Tool
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How to create a help file/link for your custom Applications and/or Macros
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When opening a workflow file the below error occurs and the file does not open nor do autorecovered workflow copies open.
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This article is part of the CS Macro Development Series. The goal of this series is to communicate tips, tricks, and the thought process that goes into developing good, dynamic macros.
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Calgary is a list count data retrieval engine designed to perform analyses on large scale databases containing millions of records. One use case for a Calgary database in an App or Macro is to offer users certain predetermined criteria (e.g. geography) to select and then return the corresponding data to them. A back-end process can combine multiple data sources, format and pre-filter as needed, and load them into a Calgary database that can be queried quickly by the app or macro. This way, the bulk of the processing happens outside of the app or macro allowing data to be returned more quickly. 
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User is getting the error "Detour tools in macros must terminate within that macro" when trying to use a macro in a workflow
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Installing and using Interface Designer
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Depending monitor display settings, an Alteryx application may not appear the same way as it does the Interface Designer Layout View. There may be instances where components appear in the wrong area of the screen, or they are missing altogether.
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When ruining a workflow, the Designer throws the message: "The workflow contains unlicensed tools"
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Alteryx app (.yxwz) is not showing up completely, with missing controls.
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When developing an Analytic App, you can use .yxwv files to quickly populate your Analytic App with values.  This can be a real time saver when your Analytic App has more than a few questions (or tabs of questions) that need to be answered.
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How to make optional fields in an analytic app.
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