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Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

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YXI - Understanding the installation process for Python-based tools

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)


With the introduction of Python SDK, Alteryx Designersupports the installation of YXI files for Python-based tools. What happens during the installation process for one of these tools?


Note:The following is based on 2018.4. Each command is assumed to be prefixed with %ALTERYXDIR%\bin\Miniconda3\python.exe.

Example: C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\Miniconda3\python.exe -m venv c:\temp\my_tool

General Process after running a YXI file

1. The contents of the YXI fileare uncompressed(unzipped) in%DESTINATION_PATH%(seeTools Location). Please note thatmultiple tools could be installed with a single YXI.

2.A Python environment is created for the tool.


Note: Following this step, the tool folder shouldhave the following structure:


If any of these components are missing, the tool is not installed correctly.

3.pip (the Python package manager) is upgraded in the Python environment.

-m pip install --upgrade pip

4.setuptools(a library for Python package support)is upgraded in the Python environment.

-m pip install --upgrade setuptools

5.Any tool dependencies are installed in the Python environment.

-m pip install --disable-pip-version-check -r requirements.txt --log PythonDependencyInstall.log

Errors and Cancellation

Tool folder will be deleted if:

  • user cancels the installation
  • an error occurs and user click on OK


FilePythonDependencyInstall.log contains the logs for tool installation

Tool Location:

By default, tools are installed under:

%APPDATA%\Alteryx\Tools (ex: C:\users\My_Account\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Tools) for current user

%PROGRAMDATA%\Alteryx\Tools (ex: C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Tools) for all users

Example of use case:

Following is only provided as an example.Should you face an error during the installation of one of the tools, please contact Alteryx Customer Support (

Spoiler (Highlight to read)

Imagine that want to investigate the following error message during the installation ofazure_data_lake_input_v1.0.2.yxi.


Asthe installation window only returns the last error message, you may need to dig further.

Byproceeding with a manual installation, you can obtain more details.

The process is as follows:

1. Renameazure_data_lake_v1.0.2.yxi and uncompress folderazure_data_lake_input_v1.0.2to C:\users\%Your_Account%\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Tools\azure_data_lake_input_v1.0.2 (%Your_Account% should match your Windows login)

2. Open a command prompt (cmd.exe)

3.Create the Python environment for the tool (based on default path):

C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\Miniconda3\python.exe -m venv C:\users\%Your_Account%\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Tools\azure_data_lake_input_v1.0.2

4.Change to tool folder and proceed with package updates and dependency installations:

cd C:\users\%Your_Account%\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Tools\azure_data_lake_input_v1.0.2
Scripts\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip Scripts\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade setuptools Scripts\python.exe -m pip install --disable-pip-version-check -r requirements.txt --log PythonDependencyInstall.log

In this particular example your trace showed the following error:


This message indicates there was a problem confirming the SSL certificate from pypi. It is a clue regarding the cause of the issue and its solution.

This specific issue can be fixed with the following steps:

  1. Create Filepip.ini(case is important) under%APPDATA%\pip(exampleC:\Users\my_account\AppData\Roaming\pipwheremy_accountis the Windows login).
    pipfolder will have to be created if it does not already exist.

  2. Openpip.iniand add the following content:
trusted-host =

3. Install tool again

Imagine that want to investigate the following error message during the installation ofazure_data_lake_input_v1.0.2.yxi. Asthe installation window only returns the last error message, you may need to dig further. Byproceeding with a manual installation, you can obtain more details. The process is as follows: 1. Renameazure_data_lake_v1.0.2.yxi and uncompress folderazure_data_lake_input_v1.0.2to C:\users\%Your_Account%\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Tools\azure_data_lake_input_v1.0.2 (%Your_Account% should match your Windows login) 2. Open a command prompt (cmd.exe) 3.Create the Python environment for the tool (based on default path): C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\Miniconda3\python.exe -m venv C:\users\%Your_Account%\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Tools\azure_data_lake_input_v1.0.2 4.Change to tool folder and proceed with package updates and dependency installations: cd C:\users\%Your_Account%\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Tools\azure_data_lake_input_v1.0.2Scripts\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip Scripts\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade setuptools Scripts\python.exe -m pip install --disable-pip-version-check -r requirements.txt --log PythonDependencyInstall.log In this particular example your trace showed the following error: This message indicates there was a problem confirming the SSL certificate from pypi. It is a clue regarding the cause of the issue and its solution. This specific issue can be fixed with the following steps: Create Filepip.ini(case is important) under%APPDATA%\pip(exampleC:\Users\my_account\AppData\Roaming\pipwheremy_accountis the Windows login).pipfolder will have to be created if it does not already exist. Openpip.iniand add the following content: [global]trusted-host = 3. Install tool again

8 - Asteroid
Nice post Question - 1. If i encounter issue after installing ex - not able to view the icon on the toolbar how troubleshoot - 2. If i use yxmc tool - i can insert with right click insert macro - does Python tools will have the ability ?
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @sathiya,


Thank you for your message and happy new year.


The article is specific to the installation process and therefore does not cover your 2 questions. I can see that your first point is already in progress with a Customer Support Engineer. Any tools installed with Alteryx will be available via right click.


Kind regards,


Paul Noirel

Sr Customer Support Engineer, Alteryx




11 - Bolide

@PaulN -

Is the last line of #4 meant to read "pip.exe" instead of "python.exe"? Or possibly missing "-m pip"?




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Good catch @cam_w!


I have amended the post.


Thanks again!!


Paul Noirel

Sr Customer Support Engineer, Alteryx

5 - Atom



I am having this same issue as described in the post (for the google big query connector not azure). However, I have tried the solution and it is still giving the same error. Any idea what else I can try?

Many thanks,


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @EdwardNSG,


Thank you for posting!


Could you please post a screenshot of your pip.ini file and of the error on the command line please?






5 - Atom
Hi Paul,

It was my company firewall. I contacted support and they provided me with offline versions to download so its all working now. Thank you though.






My thinking is this has something to do with a firewall. Do you know where I can find an offline connector?