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Tableau Function Translation Guide


Users often ask, "How do I do (x) function in Alteryx?" - here's a handy guide for translating Tableau functions for use in Alteryx!


*Please note: This is not a comprehensive list of all functions available in Alteryx and Tableau - only functions that are writtendifferently, but perform similar tasks, are included here. For a list of all the functions available in Alteryx, please refer to ourHelp Documentation.

Number Functions

idea Skyscrapers


tableau icon.jpg


Return smallest integer greater than or equal to [x]. Works like the 'RoundUp' function in Excel.
MOD(n, d)x % y
Modulo of n divided by d - The Modulo operation finds the remainder of division of one number by another number.
POW(x, e)POWER(number, power)
Return [x] raised to the [e] power.
Round(x, mult)ROUND(number, [decimals])
Return [x] rounded to nearest multiple of [mult]. 
In Alteryx the ROUND() function uses .1 to round to 1 decimal place, in Tableau the ROUND function uses 1 to round to 1 decimal place.

IF isnull([field]) THEN 0 else [field] ENDIF


Contains([field], "string")

Returns the expression if it is not null, otherwise returns zero. Use this function to use zero values instead of null values.


String Functions

IF Contains([field], "string") then 1 ELSE 0 ENDIFContains(string, substring)
Returns true if the given string contains the specified substring.
FindString(string, Target)FIND(string, substring, [start])

Searches for the occurrence of a particular string within a data field and returns the numeric position of its occurrence in the string. In Tableau, returns the index position of substring in string or 0 if the substring isn't found. If the optional argument start is added, the function ignores any instances of substring that appear before the index position [start].*

Return the length of the string [x].
Converts a string to lower case.
REGEX_Match(string, pattern,icase)REGEXP_MATCH(string, pattern)
Searches a string for an occurrence of a regular expression.
REGEX_Replace(string, pattern, replace,icase)REGEXP_REPLACE(string, pattern, replacement)
Allows replacement of text using regular expressions and returns the string resulting from the RegEx find pattern and replace string.
Substring(x, start, length)MID(string, start, [length])
Return the substring of [x] starting at [start] and stopping after [length], if provided.*
TRIMLEFT(x, y)LTRIM(string)
Remove character in the string y from the end of the string x; yis optional and defaults to trimming white space. In Tableau, this function trims extra whitespace.
TRIMRIGHT(x, y)RTRIM(string)
Remove character in the string y from the end of the string x; y is optional and defaults to trimming white space. In Tableau, this function trims extra whitespace.
Converts a string to upper case.


Date Time Functions

DateTimeAdd(datetime, interval, units)DATEADD(date_part, interval, date)
Return the given date/time modified by the given duration. The specifies a positive or negative integer of time to add or subtract and is one of a date/time unit - "years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", or "seconds". For Tableau, additional date_part units are allowed.
DateTimeDiff(datetime1, datetime2, units)DATEDIFF(date_part, date1, date2, [start_of_week])
Subtract the second argument from the first and return it as an integer difference. The duration is returned as a number, not a string, in the specified units -"years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", or "seconds". For Tableau, additional date_part units are allowed.
DateTimeTrim(datetime, trim type)DATETRUNC(date_part, date, [start_of_week])
Remove unwanted portions of a date/time and return the modified date/time. Options include: firstofmonth, lastofmonth, year, month, day, hour, minute. In Tableau, truncates the specified date to the accuracy specified by the date_part. This function returns a new date. For example, when you truncate a date that is in the middle of the month at the month level, this function returns the first day of the month. The start_of_week parameter is optional.
DateTimeNow()NOW( )
Returns the current system date and time.

DateTimeParse(datetime, format of incoming string)

MAKEDATE(year, month, day)

Converts a date string with a specific format to the standard ISO format yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS. In Tableau, returns a date value constructed from the specified year, month, and date.
DateTimeParse(datetime, format of incoming string)DATEPARSE(format, string)
Additionally, Tableau has a DATEPARSE function that convert a string to a datetime in the specified format. This is available for some datasources.
DateTimeToday()TODAY( )
Returns today’s date. The time is set to midnight of the beginning of the day. Returns the current date.


Conversion Functions

ToNumber(x, bIgnoreErrors, keepNulls)

INT(expression) or FLOAT(expression)

Converts a string parameter to a number. The second parameter is optional and allows for ignoring conversion error messages. This parameter is a boolean flag and will accept a value of 1, 0, true or false. There is an optional 3rd parameter to handle Nulls. In Tableau, INT casts its argument as an integer. For expressions, this function truncates results to the closest integer toward zero. FLOAT casts its argument as a number with decimal/float precision.

Casts its argument as a string.


Conditional Functions

IF c THEN t ELSE f ENDIF (includes ELSEIF)

IF c THEN t ELSE f END (includes ELSEIF)

Use the IF THEN ELSE function to perform logical tests and return appropriate values. The syntax is slightly different for each product.
Switch(Value,Default,Case1,Result1,...,CaseN,ResultN)CASE expression WHEN value1 THEN return1 WHEN value2 THEN return2...ELSE default return END

Compares a value against a list of cases and returns the corresponding result.

*In Alteryx, string positions start at 0. In Tableau, string positions start at 1.




This is great! I've got a couple of updates and two additions:


Update on ROUND():

In Alteryx the ROUND() function uses .1 to round to 1 decimal place, in Tableau the ROUND function uses 1 to round to 1 decimal place.


Update on DateTimeParse():

The DATEPARSE() function should be added to the Tableau section, with a note that it is not supported by all data sources.


Addition of a Logical Section:



Tableau: IF...THEN...ELSE...END. Tableau also supports IIF([condition], [true result], [false result], [null result])


Alteryx: SWITCH()

Tableau: CASE() 





Inactive User
Nicht anwendbar

Thank you for sharing.  Awesome work. 


This is very useful. Thanks


Thank you for sharing