Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

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Logistic Regression: Error in searchDir(dbDir, lang) :

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

You may have run across this error, using the html plugin predictive tools (Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree):



Logistic Regression: Error in searchDir(dbDir, lang) :
Logistic Regression: Expecting a single string value: [type=NULL; extent=0]






In 2018.2, this can happen when you have previously had an Admin version of Designer installed, but have since uninstalled. Once you've installed the 2018.2 non-Admin version with Predictive tools, these errors will now occur.



Help is on the way! (In the form of suggestions and an upcoming stable release.) You have several options. First, you can install an Admin version of Designer concurrently - 11.8, 2018.1, 2018.2, etc.



Last ditch effort: delete registry keys. This is not recommended - only delete keys if you cannot install a current version, or cannot wait until the next stable update.



Step 0) Save your license key somewhere easy to find: Options> Manage Licenses



Step 1) Open the Registry Editor (type regedit into your windows search bar) and delete the following directory:




Now, go predict stuff! Happy Alteryx-ing.


Good afternoon,


Thanks for the post. But on my case I can not perform your suggestion. There is no other way around to overcome this problem? I can not use neither Decision trees or Logistic Regression. Before I got the same error messages with Random Forests which I solved changing the model name.





@CristonS I have the same problem on Liner regression:


Shall I do the same steps you mentioned earlier in this post?