Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

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GCSE-544: Error: "The field "XXX" was renamed conflicting with an existing field name"


Environment Details

Alteryx Designer
  • Versions 2021.2–2022.1


Fields within the configuration window of the Select Tool functionality are duplicated and reported as (Missing). The following error is returned by the Select Tool, preventing downstream processing.
The field "XXX" was renamed conflicting with an existing field name


Additional tools that include the Select Tool Functionality:

  • Append Fields
  • Find Nearest
  • Join
  • Join Multiple
  • Select In-DB
  • Spatial Match


    Updates to the case type of fields are not being processed appropriately within existing Select Tool functionality configurations.



    Because the behavior is present in many tools, and each person's workflow is different, some of these workarounds may or may not work for you.


    1. Within the tool configuration for the Select functionality, click Options > Forget All Missing Fields. This option should work if you have the *Unknown option checked.
    2. Avoid clicking on the tool in question - only clicking on the tool will cause this issue. If you are using a Select tool, simply placing another Select tool upstream, and instead configuring that Select tool can help.
    3. Add a Dynamic Rename tool after the tool that reads in data from the data source. In the Dynamic Rename tool, use a formula in the Expression editor to set the letter case of the field names.

    6 - Meteoroid

    Is there a fix coming soon for this... extremely annoying and time consuming to fix this on a recurring basis.

    12 - Quasar

    @JoshML  -- this is occurring in our recently upgraded 2021.3 (from 2020.4)


    Any actual fix in place for this?  


    If I pull a workflow down from the server and run it, without touching any tools it works fine.  The minute I go in there to adjust/add/subtract tools, it throws these errors.


    This can't be a long-term solution for people with hundreds of workflows that they are responsible for.


    Is there any new information on this or a better/permanent fix in place?