Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.

Data types W_String or VW_String are not available for Flat File ASCII files

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)


When using a Flat File ASCII file, the data types W_String or VW_String are not available in the Flat File Layout window. When will this be supported?

idea Skyscrapers


  • Alteryx Designer
    • Version 2020.2
  • Flat File ASCII
  • UTF8 Data Types
    • W_String
    • VW_String


Currently VW_String or W_String are not supported for Flat File ASCII. Per the Alteryx Help documentation, currently only the following data types are supported:

Bool, Byte, Int16, Int32, Int64, FixedDecimal, Float, String, and V_String.


An Alteryx Idea has been submitted to add W_String and VW_String as supported data types within Designer. Please up-vote for this idea to be considered in a future release of Designer.