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This is a feature I haven't seen in any data prepation/etl. The core feature is to detect the unique key in a dataframe. More than often, you have to deal with a dataset without knowing what's make a row unique. This can lead to misinterpret the data, cartesian product at join and other funny stuff.

How do I imagine that ?

a specific tool in the Data Investigation category

Entry; one dataframe, ability to select fields or check all, ability to specify a max number of field for combination (empty or 0=no max).
Algo : it tests the count distinct every combination of field versus the count of rows

Result : one row by field combination that works. If no result : "no field combination is unique. check for duplicate or need for aggregation upstream".

ex :


order_id line_id amount customer site


The user will select every field but excluding Amount (he knows that Amount would have no sense in key)

The algo will test the following key
-each separate field
-each combination of two fields
-each combination of three fields
-each combination of four fields

to match the number of row (7)
And gives something like that


choice number of fields field combination

very good2order_id,line_id
average3order_id,line_id, customer
average3order_id,line_id, site
bad4order_id,line_id, site, customer

Best regards,


Hello all,

This is a very interesting feature of the List Box and Drop Down interface tool : the ability to select fields



However such a feature is not available for in-database, highly limiting the use of macros.

Please change.

Best regards,


The JOIN tool could use some love.  Let's consider merging the JOIN and UNION functions into a single tool.  Instead of strictly L, J, and R outputs, we could have an option to allow for all standard SQL joins:


  • Cross Join (Warning!!!)
  • Inner Join (boring)
  • Left Outer Join (saves time configuring Union)
  • Right Outer Join (saves time ...)
  • Full Outer Join (saves time ...)

Being able to JOIN on case-insensitive values is a big bonus (resisted urge to BOLD and change font size).

Being able to JOIN on date-range is often requested.

Being able to JOIN on numeric-range is often requested.


If we are combining tools, getting UNIQUE on L or R (or both) inputs would also save time.  Most JOIN errors are because the incoming (R) data contains duplicates by KEY.






Hi @NicoleJ 

Hello all,

I really appreciate the ability to test tools in the Laboratory category :


However, these nice tools should go out of laboratory and become supported after a few monhs/quarters. Right now, without Alteryx support, we cannot use it for production workflow.


Example given :
Visual Layout Tool introduced in 2017

Make columns Tool also introduced in 2017

Transpose In-DB in 10.6 introduced 2016

etc, etc...

Best regards,


Whenever I overwrite an Excel sheet with data of the same format just different values (e.g. Q2 data versus Q1 data) all of my Pivot Tables break and I have to manually recreate them even though the schema didn't change.  Somehow the Table is being deleted/removed and replaced with a completely different Table which is what causes the Pivot Tables to break.  The only way to avoid this is to manually set the Cell Range, but who has time for that?  The only solution I have found is to manually copy all values and paste them over the existing data which is very inefficient the more sheets you are working with.

To allow users to pull data from Power BI, eg. datasets and usage data, to allow it to be manipulated in Alteryx. 

Hello all,

As of today, you can only (officially) connect to a postgresql through ODBC with the SIMBA driver
help page :




You have to download the driver from your license page



However there is a perfectly fine official driver for postgresql here

I would like Alteryx to support it for several obvious reasons :
1/I don't want several drivers for the same database
2/the simba driver is not supported for last releases of postgresql
3/the simba driver is somehow less robust than the official driver
4/well... it's the official driver and this leads to unecessary between Alteryx admin/users and PG db admin.

Best regards,



Working on Dataiku DSS and there is a cool feature : they can tag tools, parts of a worklow.. and then emphasize the tools tagged.



Best regards,




Everyone knows the importance of adding the appropriate controls and governance to your workflows - and often, this means including events that will generate notifications if a workflow is running with errors.


But who is the audience of that email? If it's not a developer, will that person know what they are reading and where to focus?


How about a developer that would like to customize the message that the end user will receive?


Porting some existing functionality from other tools in the Alteryx toolkit to the Events page could easily provide added flexibility to event generation:


1) Add a formatting bar to the tool like shown in the image below

-- Style changes

-- Alignment

-- Highlighting

-- Coloring

-- Images


2) Add a function bar to the tool like shown in the image below

-- Ability to view all available variables

-- Ability to apply formulas using variables

-- Ability to save formulas




What do you think? Give this post a thumbs up if you find the post helpful!


As of today, DCM is great to store credentials. But once we want to dive deeper in technicity, like using macros or Applications, it's really bad. One of the things I hate is that we can't retrieve any informations from the DCM connection, just the id. Not good for logs, really bad for understanding and have some conditional logic related to connection type or name.

Here an example







Nice, I managed to retrieve an id but I have no idea of what it means : what kind of connection? what's name?

Best regards,


Connecting to Smartsheets using Alteryx Desktop (and by extension, Alteryx Server) is extremely cumbersome. If a user wants to read data from Smartsheet, they are required to get an API token (preferred) or use a username/password


Then do one of the following to read data from Smartsheets:

1. a. Install a ODBC driver

    b. Configure a DSN connection for ODBC
    c. Use the input data using a generic ODBC connection
2. Use python


To write data to Smartsheets, a user can use Python or upload the data using an API call - both very hard for end users to use especially if they're not Python developers.


Regardless, all of these are problematic. On the server I manage, I have over 15 ODBC connections to Smartsheets and it's getting very hard to upgrade the server hardware because of them. Creating a native connector for input/output of data to Smartsheets will eliminate a headache of managing ODBC connections, and make it simple for Alteryx Desktop users to read and write data.



Parquet is a very fast, efficient and widely used data format, currently only below Parquet compression algorithms are supported and we cannot use Alteryx to read the parquet file that generated by other processes. This limits our usage in Alteryx.  

  • Read support: Snappy and Gzip compression algorithms.

  • Write support: Snappy only

It would be great for Alteryx to support all types of Parquet format so we can maximize the use of Alteryx in data analysis.

I would love to see an option to run only one container without having to disable all others (and tools not in containers).


I've got workflows with MANY different queries/tools each in their own containers and some tools outside of containers.  Occasionally I need to run or re-run just one of the containers (usually several times when the datastream contains Crosstab or Transpose tools where some fields/options will not populate until the workflow has previously run).  Normally I'd either have to disable all other containers and/or select EVERYTHING that I do not wish to run an add them all to another container that I could then disable.  An option to disable everything outside of a specific container would be most welcome and save a lot of time!

A very useful and common function

Return the first non-null value in a list:

returns ''

It exits in SQL, Qlik Sense, etc...

Best regards,


There is no tool that exists that outputs all records that are duplicates (those sharing the selected values with at least one other record) and also outputs the records that are not duplicates (those not sharing the selected values with at least one other record).


The Unique Tool is not sufficient.  It only provides the first record of a unique duplicate group along with any non-duplicates and then provides a secondary output that only contains the additional records of a duplicate group.  Sometimes you only care about the duplicates and want to quickly see what differs between the unique groups.


For example, if there are 4 records with the City of Austin and I am looking for duplicates on City I want to see all 4 records with Austin in the output so I can quickly compare additional fields to see what might differ, or if they are all indeed truly duplicates.

Currently it's not possible to "switch off" interface tools in the same was as we can with the other tools. This limits the functionality especially within chained apps. If we could switch these tools off it would be much easier for us to tailor the experience by allowing selections to be activated by logic, rather than simply the data therein.


Please Alteryx Gods. I beseech thee!


*lights candles*

Please add a toggle for Dark Mode as Alteryx, after all these years of using it, is burning out my retinas. 


The OS and most apps have a Dark Mode theme so flipping back to a bright white canvas is very jarring.  I tried to adjust the canvas colors in a more muted way but never can get it to work satisfactorily and still be as easy to read as the retina burning default.  


I am aware that an Auto-Documenter tool is available in the Gallery, but that has not been maintained since 2020. 


It would be great if Alteryx could have that as an added feature to the Designer as an option for end-users to utilize. 


The breakdown of it can be done via XML parsing as such: 

<Nodes>: Configuration of tools

<Connections>: The tools used

<Properties>: Workflow properties


Right now, the current workaround is for users to export their XML, and the internal Alteryx development team has to build another workflow that reads the XML accordingly + parses it to fit what is needed. 


It would be better for Alteryx to build something more robust, and perhaps even include some elements of AiDIN which they are promoting now.

Hello all,

A few years ago, I asked for svg support in Alteryx ( ). Now, there is Alteryx Designer Cloud with other icons... already in svg !


So I think it would be great to have an harmonization between designer and cloud.

Best regards,


Hello all,

Like many softwares in the market,  Alteryx uses third-party components developed by other teams/providers/entities. This is a good thing since it means standard features for a very low price. However, these components are very regurarly upgraded (usually several times a year) while Alteryx doesn't upgrade it... this leads to lack of features, performance issues, bugs let uncorrected or worse, safety failures.

Among these third-party components :

- CURL (behind Download tool for API) : on Alteryx 7.15 (2006) while the current release is 8.0 (2023)
- Active Query Builder (behind Visual Query Builder) : several years behind

- R : on Alteryx 4.1.3 (march 2022)  while the next is 4.3 (april 2023)
- Python : on Alteryx 3.8.5 (2020) whil the current is 3.10 (april 2023)
-etc, etc....

of course, you can't upgrade each time but once a year seems a minimum...

Best regards,


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