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Pretty Logs - Events Facelift

Everyone knows the importance of adding the appropriate controls and governance to your workflows - and often, this means including events that will generate notifications if a workflow is running with errors.


But who is the audience of that email? If it's not a developer, will that person know what they are reading and where to focus?


How about a developer that would like to customize the message that the end user will receive?


Porting some existing functionality from other tools in the Alteryx toolkit to the Events page could easily provide added flexibility to event generation:


1) Add a formatting bar to the tool like shown in the image below

-- Style changes

-- Alignment

-- Highlighting

-- Coloring

-- Images


2) Add a function bar to the tool like shown in the image below

-- Ability to view all available variables

-- Ability to apply formulas using variables

-- Ability to save formulas




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