Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Currently, the default location for autosaved files is "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Alteryx\Autosave".  It would be nice to be able to customize, the same way you can for the working directory.

When you use the Visual Query Builder, you can drag and drop tables to arrange them clearly (to show the star or snowflake schema, for instance). 


When you close the Visual Query Builder and reopen it, the tables are all left-aligned in a long column, with the joins overlapping each other. Since many of our tables are very wide (i.e., with many columns), this makes it cumbersome to locate the correct table and field.


I would like the manual positioning of the tables to be saved in the Visual Query Builder, to

  1. Make the logical arrangement clearer to the developer and later users
  2. Make it easier to locate tables/fields without scrolling downward

This is a feature that our users were very accoustomed to in Hyperion Intelligence, our legacy BI tool, which works similarly to the Visual Query Builder (shown below).


Hyperion Intelligence Model

Following unexpected behaviour from the Render tool where outputting to a UNC Path (see post) in a Gallery Appliction, on advice of support raising this idea to introduce consistent behavior across all tools where utilising a UNC Path.


It would be very helpful to have a SOQL Edit textbox for the entire SOQL statement not just the WHERE clause.   This would allow us to select fields based on parent or child relationships to the table as well.

Sometimes in a crowded workflow, connector lines bunch up and align across the title bar of a tool container.  This blocks my view of the title, but also makes it hard to 'grab' the tool container and move it.


Could Alteryx divert lines around tool containers that they don't connect into, or make tool containers 'grab-able' at locations other than the title bar?


Image demonstrating connector line overlapImage demonstrating connector line overlap

The introduction fo a rank tool would be hugely beneficial. Whilst there are currently means to rank using a combination of other tools formula/running total/multirow etc... a specific "Rank Tool" would be provide a seemless and smoother way to rank your data either for further analysis or purely to output this field.


This tool should include a sort by and group by functionaility as well as options for ranking (such as dense ranking or unique ranking) and in addition multi levels of ranking (ie. Rank by "Field A" Then By "Field B" etc...).

We encountered an issue with clob data.  Looks like alteryx is very slow performing while loading clob data to Oracle database. We need to figure a better way to handle the clob data.

The DateTimeParse function always works if there are leading 0 but if one digit day of month or month it can be harder to parse


Hello, I am very new to Alteryx, so my suggestion might appear elementary for the veteran-users. From the standpoint of adoptation by less technical people (moving from Excel to Alteryx), would it be possible to take common scenarios of Fuzzy Matching and automate them?

For example, if you have 2 databases and you want to match and clean them up, you have to have close to 10 steps, with sorting, adding unique identifiers, joining, fuzzy matching, etc. Just look at your video named "Fuzzy Matching" or other videos for Tableau+Alteryx. They idea is basic. If you know most common use cases and you have already developed a methodology for how to solve these cases, why not have them as part of the tools library?

Also, when matching, for example universities, wouldn't it be easier if all those common, aka appearing many times, words were automatically suggested to be removed from the "match". Example: University A and Univeristy B are two different Universities, but they share the common word "University". While it's important that this word is there, it is not the reason to pair these two together. Maually going through and identifying and typing these common words is an extra step. It would be much easier to have a pop list of these common words and the count of records in which they appear, sorted by the count, and a check box to include or exclude the words.

Thank you,



Link to the Fuzzy Matching video. Check Minute 9:41.


I have a 3 year license but am required to activate the license key each year. Is it possible to get the activation period matched to the duration of the purchased license? This would not only remove the need to update each year, but would also clarify the actual duration of the licence too.

I would classify this as a major bug.


Using Redshift ODBC connector, if I configure a Pre SQL statement inside an Input Tool, as soon as the Input tool is deselected (white space is clicked in workflow area), the Pre SQL statement executes without even executing the workflow.


e.g. putting a CREATE TABLE statement as pre SQL will create the table prior to the workflow being executed.


There should be no reason for the Pre SQL statement to execute until you are ready to execute the whole workflow. If there is, then the Pre SQL statement should be done outside of Alteryx.


Please change Alteryx to NOT execute Pre SQL until workflow is executed

I'm in a situation where IT has to install all my updates, so I always forget if I have Admin or non-Admin installed.


It would be nice to have that info onthe "About" screen within the software itself.


Had to get on a live chat with support today to get the secret decoder ring to figure it out.


Let's put it where it makes more sense and is easier to find...


Let's put it where it makes sense aAbout.pngnd make it obvious!

As per title, add option to not write 0 records to output file i.e. don't create file with just headers, if 0 records end up streaming to the output tool



Please bring back the following two features/characteristics of the Saleforce input tool:

1. Large text box for SOQL Where statements (previous versions enabled one to space out complex queries in an organized fashion, we typically filter on 3 to 8 variables)


2. Remember connection settings on machine (in previous versions, the tool remembered the username/pw/token, all you had to do was select the URL from a drop down - now you have to type in the URL, username, PW, and Token)


Thank you much,


It would be nice to have the ability to automatically generate twbx files from a master Tableau workbook so that end users can open the file in Tableau reader.  For example, if I were creating separate CSV files with my data for each state I would similarly want to create them as a ready to consume twbx file with Tableau Reader.



When you create a data model in excel you can create measures (aka KPI). These is then something you can then use when you pivot the data and measure would dynamically be updated as you segment the data in your pivot table.


By example, let's say you have a field with the customer name and a field with the revenue, you could create a measure that will calculate the average revenue per customer (sum of revenue / disctintcount of customer)

Now if you have a 3rd field in your data that inidcates your region, the measure would allow to see the average revenue by customer and by region (but the measure formula would remain the same and wouldn't refer to the region field at all)


Excel integrates well with PowerBI and currently these measures flow into PowerBI.


While we have a "Publish to PowerBI" in Alteryx I haven't seen any way to create such measures and export them to PowerBI.


Hence I still need to load to Excel to create these measures before I can publish to PowerBI, it'd be great to avoid that intermediate tool.







Hi everybody! As you can read here I had the necessity to insert a macro (publish to tableau server) at the end of a self-made app.


I have actually found 2 different ways to solve the problem:


1) Turn the macro into an app and use 2 chained apps.

2) Copy and paste tools (normal and interface) from the macro to my app.


Both solution work, but both require some (quite a lot to be honest) editing and re-work that actually is already done. It's kind of like to re-invent the wheel!


A quick way to merge 2 configuration interfaces would be really usefull.



I understand the need for "exclusive rights" when using an input tool.  Unfortunately, due to the nature of some corporate data, getting write access to a file is not always possible.  I would like to have the ability to configure an input tool to open a file in "Read Only" mode while producing a warning message that the file was processed in that mode and may not contain the lastest version pf the data.  I envision this as a checkbox option in the tool configuration panel.


Recently in Feb 2016, Australia released the geocoded national address file to the public for no extra cost and will continually update this each quarter.

 I think It would be a game changer to build this functionality natively into the alteryx product to enable any alteryx user simple access to it. also I think it would drive a lot of sales for the alteryx product.



I have a problem where bulk upload is failing because the last column of the table that the data is being imported into, is using the DEFAULT data type option. I am not passing through any value to this column as I want the DEFAULT value specified to always be applied.


The COPY command fails in this scenario if you don't specify an explicit field list


More details of the problem can be seen in this post, along with a workaround:


A tick box option should at least be added to the bulk upload tool to enable explicit field list specification based on column names coming into the bulk upload tool


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