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Submission GuidelinesHello,
After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
The ability to output to Amazon Workdocs via a special Output tool would be very helpful for anyone looking into using Workdocs for personal or professional purposes. This is similar in functionality to the OneDrive connector.
This is a question which is somehow in between Designer and Gallery ideas.
When saving a workflow to the Gallery, the user can select the Assets (elements which are also copied to the Gallery). The point in time during the save process is a bit questionable from my perspective.
Often, I develop workflows locally until they reach a state in which I want to move them to the Gallery so that they can be included in Schedules or be made available to other users. I would like to be able to select which macros or datafiles are copied to the Gallery as well much earlier in the development process. From my perspective, it would be great if the user could set the Assets settings in the "Workflow Dependencies" window as well. I propose 3 possible values for each element (macro or data file):
It could look like this:
So our company is relatively new to Alteryx Designer and Server and we recently found out that there's no official communication sent out from Alteryx on when there are patch releases for Designer and Server. We've encountered so many bugs that we later found on the release notes that would've been helpful to know about months before.
So my suggestion is to have an option for Administrators to opt in/out for communication emails on when the patches are released.
Thank you!
Hi - Please delete this if it perhaps exists already in a newer version. (I am on 2022.1 and don't see this functionality.)
I would love to see the ability to right click a tool that isn't in a container and be able to add it to an existing container. Currently I drag it over and drop it into the container then move it back to where it was. Inevitably I misalign the tools and spend time getting it linear again. It would be cool if based upon the choice made in the right click, it would bring the assigned container around the tool in its existing location.
Perhaps within the config of the container you could choose tool #s to add to the container?
Anyways this isn't a huge need but it would be nice to see that additional functionality for people that spend a disproportionate amount of time aligning and distributing their tools HORIZONTALLY. (Nobody cares about the people that do vertical workflows.)
Our company has a need to link a new data source in Athena. We have been able to establish a connection using the input functionality however the connection is so slow it is unusable. We need to have Alteryx build an In Database option for Athena to allow us to link our data lake to Alteryx.
Hey all,
At present, if you have an existing canvas and you want to move to a DCM Connection - you are asked something like "this will reset all of your connection details - are you sure". If you have complex queries; or pre+post SQL - then you first have to copy all of this out into Notepad before you can convert to DCM and then reconfigure it all again.
However, if you are not using DCM you can change data sources when you go into Workflow Dependancies without losing your queries etc.
Could we revisit the user experience of changing to or from a DCM connection to eliminate this "start from scratch" phenomenon - if you are converging from an existing SQL ODBC or ODB or SSVB connection to a SQL connection via DCM then it should allow you to make this conversion without losing your current configuration; and the same for any other database type.
cc: @mbarone
Please consider implementing a consistent case-sensitive option for all tools and functions.
To compare string values, including case-sensitivity: This post had a good description of the challenge, but the post has been archived:
For all the time I've used Alteryx, I thought that IF "test" = "TEST" would evaluate to false. Today I realised that isn't the case and I was surprised. I'm very surprised that "equals" performs like it does.
A few existing Ideas request case-sensitivity for individual tools:
Case insensitive option while joining two data sets
Unique tool enhancement - deal with case sensitive data
This new Idea requests system-wide consideration for case-sensitivity, for all tools and functions.
Current state:
These tools and functions are case-sensitive:
These tools and functions are NOT case-sensitive:
These tools and functions can be either case-sensitive or NOT case-sensitive, depending on the options used:
Current Challenges:
How do we easily identify Lower Case, Upper Case, Mixed Case?
How do we easily compare strings for equality, using case sensitivity?
Ensure all tools and functions include an option to ignore or consider Case
Create new functions for IsUpperCase, IsLowerCase, IsMixedCase
Create a new function for IsEqual, with an option to ignore or consider Case
See attached workflow, which
We all know and love the Comment tool. It's a staple of every workflow to give users an idea of the workflow in finer details. It's a powerful tool - it helps adds context to tools and containers, and it also serves as an image placeholder for us to style our workflows as aesthetically pleasing as possible.
Now, the gensis of this idea is inspired by this post and subsequent research question here.
The Comment Tool today allows you to:
But it would provide way more functionality if it had the capabilities of another awesome Alteryx tool that is not so frequently mentioned... the Report Text Tool!
What's missing in the Comment tool that the Report Text tool has?
Now, whilst I understand that the Report Text tool is just that, a tool that needs to be connected to the data to work, so too does the Comment tool (to a lesser extent).
It would be awesome to have the ability to connect the data to the Comment tool as it was a Control Container-like connector. It can also be just like the Report Text tool with an optional input, thereby making it like a normal Comment tool.
To visualize my point:
The benefits of doing so:
I think it'll be a killer feature enhancement to the comment tool. Hoping to hear comments on this!
Kindly like, share, and subscribe I mean comment your support. Thanks all! 😁
Hi all,
At present, Alteryx does not support DSN-free connections to Snowflake using the Bulk Connector. This is a critical functionality for any large company that uses Alteryx - and so I'm hoping that this can be changed in the product in an upcoming release. As a corollary - every DB connection type has to be able to work without DSNs for any medium or large size server instance - so it's worth extending this to check every DB connection type available in Alteryx.
Here are the details:
What is DSN-Free?
In order to be able to run our Alteryx canvasses on a multi-node server - we have to avoid using DSNs - so we generally expand connection strings that look like this:
to instead have the fully described connection string like this:
For Snowflake BL:
Now - for the Snowflake Bulk Loader the same process does not work and Alteryx gives the classic error below
With DSN:
Without DSN:
Many thanks
Hi, as a person with a mapping background, I love that Alteryx added zoom & pan abilities. The hold ctrl + mouse wheel zoom is great! Also, the hold space to pan is great as well. My only issue is this function should still work if the process is running, can you implement?
I have developed many workflows, macros, and apps, and I have always had to find a workaround for displaying information on the user config page or user interface.
For example, I want to input 'Default text' into the Text Box interface tool, but the problem is that it does not accept any external connection.
It would be great if this tool had a Q input anchor that could accept data from a connected tool (in both single or multi-line mode) or from external input (such as a file for DropDown list or List Box tools).
When I open I'd workflow, I'd like the option click on "something" to see content previous created for the workflow. The content I'd use most frequently is: How was the INPUT data obtained? ALL of the Alteryx workflows I will be creating with my current employer will require some level of pre-build of the data sources. I would like to document the pre-build requirements (could be pages of text, so "comments" aren't optimal) and be able to ask for them as needed.
Optimally, this feature would accept .docx, .pdf and other standard formats. Another option would be to support a URL that would link me to the content. For my purposes, this would be even more advantageous as all of our knowledge content is on-line.
Hey all,
I don't know about you, but I have always had trouble hovering the mouse over the Results window pane trying to get the resize icon to appear. It seems like you need surgeon level precision to find the icon! 😷
I love Designer and want to see it be the best it can possibly be. I feel like increasing the clickable/hovering area for this resize would be amazingly helpful!
Just wanted to see if we could get some community momentum going in order to get some developer eyes on this issue. 🙂
Please help by bumping/upvoting this thread!
Migrated this from another thread. Some folks tagged from the original post :)
@cpatrickwk @caltang @afellows @MRod @alexnajm @ericsmalley @MilindG @Prometheus @innovate20
Lets say you have a row of 10 filter tools vertically and there's a select tool coming out of each input for each filter. It can get dizzying to tell the difference. It would be great to be able to select a colour for tools when on the canvas so e.g. in the above I could say " my green selects are the true and my red selects are the false"
We will not be enabling DCM for the time being (see
But, when you do not enable DCM, you get an annoying pop up every time you open Designer that says "DCM toggle is not enabled".
Please give us the ability to turn this pop up off.
For all Alteryx versions I can remember, when entering a connection string into an input tool (e.g., "C:\Users\mbarone\Desktop\ . . . "), you could just start typing and it would auto-complete. This is no longer the case when DCM is enabled. This is a huge efficiency hit we're taking, and is enough for us not to enable DCM (optional or otherwise), given the fact that current workflow connection manager works just fine (meaning the "akas").
Please bring back auto-complete/predictive text when DCM is enabled.
Add to the feature where you can open a workflow to show how to use a tool. Allow a user (and share this within an organization) to add a tool template workflow to a tool so one can open the template workflow and then copy the tools in the template into the workflow being worked on. There are instances where we use the same tool combinations like for dynamic file naming and output.
In short:
Add an option to cache the metadata for a particular tool so that it doesn't forget when using tool that have dynamic metadata such as batch macros or alteryx metadata engine can't resolve such as python tool.
Longer explanation:
The Problem:
One of the issues I often encounter when making dynamic workflows or ones that require calling external services is that Alteryx often forgets the metadata of what columns to expect. This causes the workflow to forget configuration of downstream tools when a workflow is first opened or when the metadata engine refreshes. There is currently the option to disable the metadata engine from automatically refreshing but this isn't a good option because you miss out on much of the value it brings.
Some of the common tools where I encounter this issue:
Instead could we add an option to cache the metadata for a particular tool, this would save the metadata from the last time the workflow ran to within the workflows XML so that it persists when closed and reopened. Then when the metadata engine runs when it gets to this tool instead of resolving the metadata from the tool it instead uses the saved version in the XML. Obviously when it actually runs it would ignore this and any errors would still occur.
This could be an option in navigation pane of each tool. Mockup below:
This would make developing dynamic workflows far easier and resolve issues of configuration being lost when the metadata changes and alteryx forgets the options.
One of things I like to do is select a bunch of tools and to see the collective performance of particular part of a workflow. It would be super cool if these stats were aggregated.
I could imagine then you could run alternative solutions side by side and then just select the tools involved to compare.
Maybe this pointless but my guess is that memory usage could be as important as processing time and is probably a simple addition to the performance profiling feature.