Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Seamless switch to DCM

Hey all,


At present, if you have an existing canvas and you want to move to a DCM Connection - you are asked something like "this will reset all of your connection details - are you sure".    If you have complex queries; or pre+post SQL - then you first have to copy all of this out into Notepad before you can convert to DCM and then reconfigure it all again.


However, if you are not using DCM you can change data sources when you go into Workflow Dependancies without losing your queries etc.






Could we revisit the user experience of changing to or from a DCM connection to eliminate this "start from scratch" phenomenon - if you are converging from an existing SQL ODBC or ODB or SSVB connection to a SQL connection via DCM then it should allow you to make this conversion without losing your current configuration; and the same for any other database type.


cc: @mbarone 

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

I'm dealing with this right now and completely agree that this should be a happier path.

8 - Asteroid

Agreed. It is particularly annoying if you pick up a workflow from another user who has used DCM and all I want to do is swich to my own credentials.

At the moment I'm having to copy the XML and paste it into the SQL code window then check for any XML that needs changing to SQL (2022.3)