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Select Assets for Gallery already in locally saved workflow

This is a question which is somehow in between Designer and Gallery ideas.

When saving a workflow to the Gallery, the user can select the Assets (elements which are also copied to the Gallery). The point in time during the save process is a bit questionable from my perspective.


Often, I develop workflows locally until they reach a state in which I want to move them to the Gallery so that they can be included in Schedules or be made available to other users. I would like to be able to select which macros or datafiles are copied to the Gallery as well much earlier in the development process. From my perspective, it would be great if the user could set the Assets settings in the "Workflow Dependencies" window as well. I propose 3 possible values for each element (macro or data file):

  • "Auto" → decide on asset when saving the workflow to the Gallery (current behaviour)
  • "Yes" → Copy this element as asset in the Gallery
  • "No" → Do not copy this element to the Gallery 
  • "N/A" → The question does not apply to this row (e.g., directory)

It could look like this:
