Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Hi - I was attempting to build a workflow as an analytics app that could notify the user with a message when there is fallout from certain joins that needs to be reviewed. Not all fallout is bad fallout, so I would not want the message to stop the workflow form running, but rather give a friendly reminder to verify that the fallout is okay or immaterial. It is my understanding that their is currently not a solution to this after speaking with the support staff.





Looking for a way to make multi-selection much easier (rather than single click per item).  Could be an improvement on the List Box, or a new tool that allows multi-selection with highlighting desired items.  Control/Shift keys for selections similar to Windows, etc.


It would be helpful to be able to toggle the way the Mode calculation handles two or more "ties." Currently if there is a tie between records, the lower is returned. I have a use case where I would rather have the higher value return if there is a tie. I could also see there being a use for an average between the tied records. Ideally I think there would be three options for a tie: use the 1. lowest value 2. highest value 3. average of tied values. I'm not sure if first/last would also be helpful to have as options.

My use case is for product dimensions. We use the mode to normalize the dimensions (height, width, depth) of products. Because we are using the dimensions for space planning, if the lower value is used there may not be enough space for the product on the shelf. We would rather use the higher of the tied values to make sure we aren't creating a plan where the products won't fit.


I guess it's better if the current column filter feature would cover the entire data set not just the partial results. This would be useful especially if after you run the complicated workflow and you just want to test the data particular nodes in the canvass. 


Essentially my idea is to add a connection similar to an optional Macro Control Parameter to the standard Input and Output tools that would respond to a basic formula result like "True" / "False" so that we can conditionally toggle on and off the Import and Export Tool itself within a workflow. This would solve the Alteryx problem of conditionally disabling Inputs and Outputs to avoid output errors, avoid input / output timing errors under different record # loads or when no data is present in a given routing configuration, add a ton more flexibility for complex workflows and reduce runtimes.


Ideally this approach could also be used for entire containers to actually disable all of the contained Inputs/Outputs at once within a standard non-macro workbook.


Allow the direct entry of the test start date into the AB Trend tool rather than forcing the use of a calendar widget to select the date. Or at least make the calendar display the date that was set rather then the current month. 





It would also be useful to edit the sample workflow for this tool , sample 21_AB_Trend_Controls_Analysis_Sample.yxmd, to add annotations to each tool to  describe what the settings are in the example as well as to add more specific detail to the workflow description.


Hi there,

I was hoping that there could be an update to track changes in workflows more dynamically like on other coding and saving platforms such as git and java. There are systems that will highlight an area where a change has been made from one version to another. This would be very beneficial for users that use the alteryx server to be able to load any historical workflow and when it opens in the canvas, lets say a macro has been changed from one version to the other, that macro would glow red to know there was a change here so coders can see what was changed if there is now an error or if they are not completely sure what was changed without just relying on comments.




It really would be great if Alteryx supports the 'set' data type.


I often have situations where I really wish I could make a field with a data type of "set".

For example, I have a table of pets owned by each person.

The "Pets" Field would be perfect if it could be processed as a "set" type.


JohnDog, Cat


(I sort the pet values in alphabetical order, and concatenate the string values using the summarize tool. This is the best I could think of)


Hi Team,


I have an idea where we can use Alteryx to build a virtual Assistant. As we are currently using Intelligent suite extract information through pdfs. Now we can connect the VA and Intelligent suite to offer a complete product.


Please let us know your views,


Today the Autofield tool transforms the fields into byte by default when it considers that the content is suitable while we expect text in it and that it can simply be a field not filled in in the context current but which may be later.

The idea would be to be able to choose which type by default to implement on text or empty fields and not the default byte because a byte field is not recognized on a formula using an IN for example which can produce errors in the following workflows.




My idea is that the current Download tool does not handle errors and continues its path even if it does not find for example a file in the transmitted URL or if it does not find the hostname it crashes.


In the case of a user with several URLs in a row, this is penalizing.

In the case of downloading files with recording, it still writes a file (thus overwriting the existing file) but which is not openable and is not in the correct format. (BLOCKED file!) Which then causes problems in workflows reading these files.


The idea would be to put a second output to this tool for all the URLs where there was a problem (non-existent hostname, file not found, HTTP KO) and one where it received the expected elements so as not to prejudice the processing. and allow better management of error cases.







Since the Geocoders create point data, having the spatial field recognized as a centroid can be helpful to the user. If it's marked as a centroid, it makes it easier for the user to differentiate between point vs polygon/line, especially if the user is already using polygon data in the module. If I do a Spatial Match or Join, I can have two fields called SpatialObj, which I have to track back to figure out which is which. If after combining, it showed Centroid for my geocoded points and SpatialObj for my polygon data. Kind of like you do for the Create Points tool, if I use that the field is called Centroid.





 Hi Team,


I have a dataset of x,y values that I am plotting with an interactive chart tool. These values will vary widely so I can't use custom display ranges and have to rely on the "Auto" function for display range.


My problem is that the two axis are Auto scaled to different scaling and it is turning all my ellipse shapes into circles. Not a huge setback as you can check the Axis labels to see the scale but for this use case the shape of the data is what I am trying to portray and this makes my reports somewhat misleading.


I'm suggesting adding an option, maybe a tick box, under the interactive chart's "Auto" config that would allow both Axis to be scaled the same amount (That of the highest value).





Currently users have the option of outputting to a PNG image but currently can only use Inches to get the size set. I want to be able to output with a pixel size not in inches. 




Alteryx crashed when I attempted to use a custom OTF font in Report Text. I thought it was supported because font options was not greyed out and preview window looked correct and I was able to resize. I clicked 'Apply' and Alteryx popup window appeared saying "only TTF font is supported". Then Alteryx crashed.

Please add OTF font support. Tableau and other packages already support it.




I'm not sure if this is the right forum for a bug report, but I just solved one that has been bugging me for ages. Of the six key commands to hide and reveal the various panels, only five work, and now I know why.


Apparently the 'Results' panel used to be the 'Output' panel? I found some outdated docs that mentioned Crtl + Alt + O to open/hide the Output panel. Sure enough, the reason Ctrl + Alt + R doesn't work in the current version is that, in spite of what the menu text says, it's O that is still mapped to that panel, and not R.


I only discovered this after making sure none of my other installed apps were stealing that key combination. Thank you, process of elimination.


Enable multiple sheet selection for excel


I would like to be able to connect to an AWS EMR resource.

And an AWS gov cloud endpoint.


Hello Team,


I have been using Alteryx for sometime now. The final output of any kind be it analytics or simple Excel outputs is expected to have some basic formatting.


A minimum of 3 Tools and humongous effort is need to format even basic headers and Cells with a border and color.


Using Table followed by Render and then column level setting for having borders for the set of data is little time consuming considering it has 0 impact on the actual data output.


Additionally Render tool to Excel will be in number format regardless of the data type. Same is the case for date fields.


Also the Render tool Layout changes impact the data as well as the column lengths adversely.


Can we have some simple option of overwriting a file where the formatted excel is merely overwritten with data without changing the datatype or format out the excel sheet.


It would be huge win if this is easily do-able wither via a new tool or as an option in the output tool.




While doing Find replace with the following settings,


The output limits to the number of characters comes with "Replace source". If the number of characters in "Replace  Found Text With Value" is more than the source then it will truncate the value to source. I feel it's not correct. 


Suggesting, that there should be an option to overwrite the "field size" or keep as it coming from source.

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