Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Edit History Tracking

Hi there,

I was hoping that there could be an update to track changes in workflows more dynamically like on other coding and saving platforms such as git and java. There are systems that will highlight an area where a change has been made from one version to another. This would be very beneficial for users that use the alteryx server to be able to load any historical workflow and when it opens in the canvas, lets say a macro has been changed from one version to the other, that macro would glow red to know there was a change here so coders can see what was changed if there is now an error or if they are not completely sure what was changed without just relying on comments.



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback and idea!


Its greatly appreciated to get feedback on how we can improve both the user experience and visibility of Designer for users. For better understanding for our Product team, what would be the most optimal format for edit history to appear in for your use case? Would you like to see it as a sort of log or a more interactive UI within the canvas?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes