Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Autofield for string fields

Today the Autofield tool transforms the fields into byte by default when it considers that the content is suitable while we expect text in it and that it can simply be a field not filled in in the context current but which may be later.

The idea would be to be able to choose which type by default to implement on text or empty fields and not the default byte because a byte field is not recognized on a formula using an IN for example which can produce errors in the following workflows.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback!


Our product team appreciates all the feedback we get on how to improve and streamline users experiences. In this particular case however I wanted to provide a bit of clarification on the purpose of the Auto Field tool. The Auto Field tool is built to streamline workflows by pushing all data to the smallest data type possible regardless of its contents. While our product team would definitely find this idea interesting as it provides a unique view point on how to streamline user processes, if implemented it may not come in the for of an update to the Auto Field tool. This tool is fundamentally designed not to be smart enough to identify exactly what data type would be best applied to each data field. At this point in time the best way to maintain your data and insure the correct data type is applied would be through our Select tool.



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes