Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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The language options have been so helpful for our Global team; is a Korean language option under consideration for Designer & the online training courses? 


I have a workflow that outputs to several files at once. If one of those files is open, an error is returned (of course).


It would be really great if Alteryx could still save any failed files down into a different folder or with a different name such as V2. 



In the DateTime tool, you should be able to specify AM PM.  Some other programs I use would do this with an 'a' at the end.  Here is an example of what I think it should be


MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a


Input Date Output Date
09/10/2017 11:36 AM 2017-09-10 11:36:00
09/10/2017 11:36 PM 2017-09-10 23:36:00


Maybe I am missing something and this is already doable, but so far I haven't found a clean way to do it. 


Hello Alteryx Comunity! Recently, i was working on a project to generate a database with information such as size, last access date and fullpath of a disk. I noticed that the alteryx component "directory" brings almost all that i need, but it doesn't bring the "size on disk" property. When a file is compressed, it becomes hard to know what is its actual size on disk. My idea for you is to bring one more collumn in the directory tool, which is the "size on disk" field. Thanks for the great work you did by creating the alteryx, it helps a lot in the job.


This may be too much of an edge case...


I would like to be able to feed a dynamic input component with a input file and a format template file, so make the input component completely dynamic.  This is because I have excel spreadsheets that I want to download, read and process hourly throughout the day.  Every 4 hours another 4 columns are added to the spreadsheet, thereby changing the format of the spreadsheet.  This then causes the dynamic input component to error because the input file does not match the static format template.  I would be happy to store the 6 static templates, but feed these into to the dynamic input with the matching input file, thus making the component entirely dynamic.  Does this make sense???


BTW, my workaround was to define six dynamic inputs, filter on the file type, then union the results:






The top screenshot shows the DateTime tool and the incoming string formats. It does not show examples. Please shows examples like the bottom screenshot. Thank you.






I have found that upgrading the Designer automatically overwrites the Alteryx service logon credentials.  Would be nice if you didn't have to remember to reset the service credentials every time you upgrade.


If you've ever had a massive workflow with many ins, outs, and tons of tools in-between, then you may have wanted to run just portions of the workflow for testing/development/troubleshooting. I know I have. I have a workflow that normally takes many hours to run in Designer due to the massive data volume. I was only interested in tracing a bug in one specific output and found myself deleting tools here and then, piecemeal, until I could be certain that only unrelated branches and tools were gone. I then ran the workflow and found the issue in less time. What I would have liked to have done is to right-click on the output tool and select from the context menu an option to "Disable unrelated" or even "Delete unrelated". I want to delete any tool that does not directly feed data into that output through any and all branches including Joins, Unions, etc. The same options should apply to right-clicking on any tool. Thank you.


The 'Make Grid' tool appears to occasionally scramble the order as shown by the 'Grid Names' I have highlighted. As its almost in order it gave a false sense of looking as though it was designed to be in 'GridName' order, so it was not obvious that it needed to be sorted. To make the tool more intuitive it may make sense to give the option to sort by 'GridName' or just do it by default.










I am currently using Oracle Discoverer Tool which has option to drag or place an results column of a table or cross tab on to page items so that I can further filter the results. This helps the user to filter large results set without even downloading the output. I have attached a screenshot of current tool with page items.





The current encryption methodology (MD5) used by EncryptPassword to connect to databases does not satisfy the FIPS 140-2 encryption standard that is required by the US Federal Government.  The FIPS 140-2 compliance standard requires that any hardware or software cryptographic module implements algorithms from an approved list.


More information on FIPS 140-2:




I think it would be nice to have the possibility to select which fields will output fo the distance tool.


When calculating distances for between large dataset, I do not always want my to 2 set of points has par of the output and would like to drop them directly in the tool.


Thank you





Hello all,


It would be awesome to see an obvious change to the Input Tool when you change the setting from Cached to Not Cached. Something simple so that as the process is running i can clearly see what that setting is opposed to having to stop the process and restart it.





I have a workflow that sends an email to ServiceNow to create tickets.  I have another workflow that runs after that one to pull the ticket numbers used for reporting.  I thought I could combine the 2 workflows using a Block Until Done and then Wait a Second set for 120 seconds but I have found that the Email tool "runs as the last tool in your workflow".


Is it possible to change the runtime so it runs when called on?





I would really like to see .dif files added as a file option to the output tool. Currently, I have to output as an excel file and then open the file and save as a .dif file format. Figure if Excel can save the file format, Alteryx should be able as well.





Canvas settings can be used for providing more clarity and clutter-free look of complex workflows. For example, using Auto Route Perpendicular (where connection lines between tools are straight lines and break at 90 degrees and using different colours can really help in understanding workflow faster to someone who is looking at it for the first time. 


I know this is very subjective, but these additional customization settings can increase clarity in complex workflows. Especially when sharing workflow with others. 





The find and replace feature is great. Unfortunately, I was unpleasantly surprised to learn the hard way that workflow events are outside of its reach. Please expand to include the entire workflow to act on everything opening the xml in notepad could find and replace. The following demonstrates the omission...


On left side I search for the string “v022”

Below that shows zero matches

In the open event box near the center, “v022” appears in the command box

The occurrence in event command box should appear as a match, but does not.









So while first and last make sense concat will crash the system. Here's a screen grab... Designer really doesn't like crosstab reporting tools set (accidentally) to concatenate 3 macros deep in a workflow. Just crashed 3 times before I tracked down the error on my system.2021-07-22.png


As a change to Designer UI in 2021.2, when in the filter box, I used to be able to use my mouse to Paste in the value and then hit enter/apply to apply the filter.  It's not working as of 2021.2.  Now, if I hit paste from my mouse, it just closes the Filter box and applies nothing.  It forces me to have to change between mouse and keyboard as that is the only way to paste a value into the filter value box (CTRL-V). 

This feels like another very tiny move in the wrong direction. These small UI changes cause 2 or 3 additional steps and slow the diagnostic/navigation process in moving around the Results Grid in the Browse Tool or at any point in the flow where the Results Grid is used.

Can mouse functionality be restored in 2021.2?




Related to submission: 

Small Keyboard fix for the browse tool's filter 



Can we please have a Group By option added to Random % Sample tool? It would ease a lot of things!

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