Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Canvas settings to be set at the workflow level

Canvas settings can be used for providing more clarity and clutter-free look of complex workflows. For example, using Auto Route Perpendicular (where connection lines between tools are straight lines and break at 90 degrees and using different colours can really help in understanding workflow faster to someone who is looking at it for the first time. 


I know this is very subjective, but these additional customization settings can increase clarity in complex workflows. Especially when sharing workflow with others. 




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @slobo, we appreciate the feedback! We’re doing our best to ensure all product ideas are reviewed and commented on by Alteryx when the necessary criteria are met. Be sure to check out our updated Submission Guidelines for any board or criteria related questions! 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes