Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Edit Email tool

I have a workflow that sends an email to ServiceNow to create tickets.  I have another workflow that runs after that one to pull the ticket numbers used for reporting.  I thought I could combine the 2 workflows using a Block Until Done and then Wait a Second set for 120 seconds but I have found that the Email tool "runs as the last tool in your workflow".


Is it possible to change the runtime so it runs when called on?




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @BonusCup, thank you for your feedback! This visibility into how you would like the email tool to behave helps our product team with future planning and understanding users' needs more directly.  It would be beneficial for our teams to understand how many users would appreciate this sort of update, so be sure to share this with any other users you believe would benefit! 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes