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With a lot of large corporations moving to use Native Data Classifications and requiring them on all emails going out, it would be nice to add this to the email tool. A sensitivity drop down similar to what Power Automate has would be great.

Many of us use snowflake as our data warehouse.  So we need full support of all 3 major public cloud providers for staging data.  Right now, you only have support for Local and AWS.  It has been this way for the last 1.5 years that I have been using Alteryx.  From what I understand you were doing beta testing or some kind of testing to support Azure blob storage.  We are an Azure company and because your product fails to support Azure, it is costing us thousands of dollars in network costs transferring data.


Please support all 3 major public cloud providers as it relates to staging in Azure Blob Storage.  I am sure this is an easy feature to add so do it :)

Please add group by to the Record ID tool, so you can group by keys and reset the count.  I do this functionality currently by using the multi row tool, but as i use this regularly, it would be good to add the functionality to record id.

I annotate every single tool, every single time. I treat a workflow like documentation. It would be helpful to use markdown in the annotations.


please remove the hard limit of 5 output files from the Python tool, if possible.

It would be very helpful for the user to forward any amount of tables in any format with different columns each.


Best regards,



Can the Log format be changed, so that each line starts with 

MM-DD-YYYY hh:mm:ss TZ.


This is to allow log monitoring applications to process the file correctly.






Allow Workflow Dependencies to run other tools or workflow .

Hello all,

My localization settings :

Default Dictionnary in Order tool :  Afrikaans


Best regards,




here are my localization parameters, with a comma as a decimal separator :



However, is the overview in the formula tool 



(I took the formula tool example)

The overview formatting should obviously match the formatting and give 206,95 and 207,00, instead of 206.95 and 207.00

Best regards,


I suggest Alteryx may add a new interface tool / enhance existing date interface tool to allow selection of time period.


For the output of the interface tool, i believe we can simply concatenate the text (e.g. 111030AM) and perform transformation by other Alteryx tool.

The interface can be something like this, multiple drop down box which order in a single row.

Alteryx-Time Interface tool.png


Although there is workaround of creating 4 drop down box, but the presentation on Analytic app and gallery is not good (those text box is separated into multiple line.



When dealing with huge workflows, I find myself often needing to use a select tool with comment above as a simple placeholder to come back to that data set as it helps me keep track of everything. It would be nice if there was a tool that didn't really have a function in itself besides allowing one to reference back to that spot. 

I understand one could use a browse tool to achieve the same result but the reason I like using the select tool is because it's a lot easier to work off the dataset with an output arrow whereas with a browse tool I would have to find the previous spot I had the data and delete the browse tool that I was using as a placeholder. 





In python, there is this monthrange function which is very useful to find out the days in particular month and also particular year (leap year)


In python we will only have to do this to get monthrange


 x[i] = calendar.monthrange(Year_S, Month_S)[1]


whereas in Alteryx, we will have to do this




The different are enormous and I can see that Alteryx team was able to add in this in a jiffy.


I was hoping we can simplify the code so that users wont have to go and dig around to find a way to get thru.


This will be helpful in doing calculations like insurance/interest premium, where we need to find the remaining days of in the month.

Would like a component to analyse an incoming dataset and suggest a key for the data, i.e. detect what field or composite of fields would uniquely identify a record in the data.  The key could then be detected by the output data component and add primary key's to tables when created.  Great for when using the drop and recreate option, i.e. would retain an index on the key.

It would be great to be able to display a table to the "Insights" section of the gallery - ideally one that can have formatting (eg row rules and column rules as per basic table tool)  

I find myself cutting and pasting (rearranging steps) a lot.  Right click "move ahead" or "move upstream" would be great for shifting the order of filters and formulas and such.

It would be really useful to have a Join function that updated an existing file (not a database, but a flat or yxdb file).


The rough SAS equivalent are the UPDATE and MODIFY Statements


The goal would be to have a join function that would allow you to update a master dataset's missing variables from a transaction database and, optionally, to overwrite values on the master data set with current ones, without duplicating records, based on a common key.


The use case is you have an original file, new information comes in and you want to fill in the data that was originally missing without overwriting the original data (if there is data on the transaction file for that variable). In this case only missing data is changed.


Or as a separate use case, you had original data which has now been updated and you do want to overwrite the original data. In this case any variable with new values is updated, and variables without new values is left unchanged.


Why this is needed: if you don't have a Oracle type database, it is difficult to do this task inside of Alteryx and information changes over time (customers buy new products, customers update profiles, you have a file that is missing some data, and want to merge with a file that has better data for missing values, but worse data for exisitng values (it is from a different time period (e.g. older)).  In theory you could do this with "IF isnull() Then replace" statements, but you'd have to build them for each variable and have a long data flow to capture the correct updates. Now is is much faster to do it in SAS and import the updated file back into Alteryx.

We recently upgraded our SQL server to 2016 to enable us to use R Server for predictive analytics.  We were excited about the more powerful algorithms and the fact that parallel processing will make things faster on bigger data sets.  


We often use stepwise logistic regression, especially in cases where we need to show which attributes are most significant.  The one drawback about the upgrade was that stepwise is not available when running logistic regression in-database.  I know there are ways to get around this e.g. PC etc. but it would be nice to have the ability to do stepwise in-database.


I hope there are others like me that will vote this up.  I think it will help a lot of data scientists out there and is probably one of the easier suggestions :-).

We see very nice demos at the Alteryx Academy. Trainers showing some actions, tips and tricks on screens previously recorded...


Originally you need to install a software like;

Then learn how to use them and share separate video or moving GIF files with people manually by mail etc....


I suggest a screen recorder for Alteryx where you can quickly record and save how something is done

and then share it thru Peer to peer with a colleague one-on-one or publish to the Alteryx Community...


It may even be an awesome thing if one can share screen in real-time with another Alteryx user...

Then it will be top notch collaboration...























Altan @Atabarezz

I will try to make this short but the back story is a bit long.

I was recently tasked with scraping a website requiring repeated call to the URL with about 10,000 different queries. Pushing all 10,000 at the Download tool caused intermittent DownloadData to be returned with HTML from what appeared to be a default fallback help page.  Not what I needed.  I suspected the site may have seen all the calls in rapid succession as a DDoS attack or something, so I put a Throttle tool in line to lessen the burden on their server.  It reduced the failed calls, but there was still more than I found acceptable, requiring pulling out the failed queries and repeating the same throttled processing.  Putting time between each record was what I needed.  And then I found this Wait/Pause Between Processing Records  Just what I needed.


Now the constructive criticism.  I hope I don't offend anybody.

The macro does the job using a simple ping statement inside a grouped batch macro, pinging until a selected time interval has passed.  It does this repeated pinging for every record.  That can add up to a lot of pings especially if the time interval is rather large and a lot of records are being processed.  Then DDoS popped into my head.  The same issue that led me to find this very solution.

So, I started thinking how could I accomplish this same wait between records and iterative macro seemed plausible, seeing that loops can be used in code to do this very thing.


I have attached the macro I came up with.  Feel free to check it out, critique the hell out of it, and/or used it if it will solve any problem you might have.  I only ask that you keep the macro intact and give credit where credit is deserved.


Thanks for your time,


Dan Kelly


It will be helpful if we can set the Importance (Normal/High/Low) of an Email sent by ALteryx. 


A new option can be added in the existing Emailer event (see attached)


Best Regards!!!

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