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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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It would be great if the mapping allowed point themes to be bi-variate, i.e. you could change the size of a point at the same time as adjusting its colour to show two variables on the map at once, relative to each other.

In the histogram tool, I would like the ability to specify the bins, not just the number of bins, but the values of the bins. That would be especially helpful when comparing different data sets when I want to see an apples to apples comparison across two different histograms. 

Shapefile generate 4 filetypes (shp, shx, dbf, prj). When Alteryx generates a shapefile, the latter 3 file types are in uppercase, only shp is in lowercase. Can you change all 4 filetypes to lowercase so we don't have problems reading them in linux?

I have records of with several address fields per store: address 1, address 2, address 3.(e.g. po box 123, 456 main st, suite 600).
I geocode each address field in different iterations, but I want my final input to contain the best geocoding level. e.g. Actual before Zip9. 
Can we rank the geocoding levels like this below? Then it will be easier to filter out the best geocoding level.

1. Actual
2. Street
3. Intersection
4. Extrapolate
5. ZIP9
6. ZIP7
7. ZIP5
x. Not Coded

Please have Alteryx check the status of any output files for read-only or locked status.  This change would prevent processing a file for an hour then having the process fail because the file was open or had improper permission. 

Idealy, the output tool should ask the user what to do rather than fail and lose all the work.

I really like the Tool Container. I also really like to have neat and tidy modules. Sometimes though, the two are in conflict because the Tool Container automatically sizes itself so I end up playing around with tool placement to get my containers the same.

Could you please add the option to make the Tool Container a sizeable object (like the Explorer Box) or give width and height value boxes in the tool properties?

I am using the Distance Tool and would like to get the polyline that represents the drive distance.  I need to output the drive polyline for multiple points and determine the percentage of overlap between routes and the number of times overlapped.

I have recently been building some reports and have some suggestions for later releases of Alteryx.
1.       Map tool – have option to put border around map within the properties window.  Currently, I have to use a layout tool to put a border on a map.
2.       Map tool – Same thing with legend (especially when legend is output as a separate field
3.       All tools – be able to put a browse tool after the tool using the Properties window.  I was thinking right above the “Apply” button (check mark bottom left corner)
Just some thoughts that would make life better.

Similar concept to how when you right click on a folder, computer icon, or file in windows. When you right click on any of these things you are able to pull up a properties link/tab which gives you relevant information and path of the file location.

For this particular idea the properties tab will give information on the Alias, such as server type, connection type; ie microsoft  provider or oracle provider, etc.

This would be helpful not only to go back and understand why you choose that connection type, but also when training others.

Thank you

I would like to specify two points on a map and have Alteryx create a spatial object that represents the best route from one point to another given some parameters such as quickest route, or shortest route.
In the map input tool, it would be really nice if I could type in an address or a geography (like "Boulder County"), and the map would be zoomed to that location, and maybe even draw a point for me (if it is an address) or draw the geography polygon so that I can use that for downstream analysis.
I want the ability to select a field from my reference YXDB file in the Map Input tool to color-code the features based on their value. For example, I have a file of store locations, with each record containing last quarter's sales figures. I want to use that file as my reference in the Map Input, and have the points for each stores sized bigger-to-smaller based on their sales. Or another example would be color-coding sales territories/polygons.
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