Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Make it easier to use Delete and connect around 

ex: Shift + Delete

I love the new Basic Filter option and it makes writing filters easy/self-expanatory for new users and helps with functions like isnull(). However, I'm almost always writing what are now called 'Custom Filters' and it takes two clicks to do this.

From a User Experience perspective it would be great if you could click in the expression box to write the filter rather than having to check the customer filter check box, or start by creating a basic filter and then make it more complex using the custom filter box without having to check the tick box.

Following on from this and something that is probably a lot harder to implement - But with the new basic filter, it would be great to have a list of available fields populate the options to filter by - Similar to the option that you get in Calgary. E.g Country == and then the drop down list would contain whatever is available in the data (e.g. Spain, UK, USA, Etc...)
Can an interactive mapping tool be added as an output tool? 

When reports, files, or tables are generated, it would help to be able to view them on an interactive map.  Currently I am trying to show where high population growth is located for large areas, ie-entire US, entire State(s), etc., so the user needs to view where these areas are on a map.  Ideally, it would be nice to have additional layers seen on the map as well, for example, our current locations, competitor locations, etc.
Problem: When you configure fields manually in the union control and then go back to remove a field it throws up an error that "XYZ field missing"
Solution: One needs to change the config to "arrange fields by name" then refresh before you can arrange fields manually

I would like this problem to be handled by some method that tracks for changes and warns the user rather than throw an error.

If you have either of these situations: 1) a series of dependent database outputs (as in database-supplied auto-incrementing IDs needed for subsequent Inserts/Updates) or 2) writing a file that is used later in a workflow (as in a Run Command call or an R script), you need a way to guarantee tools that don't have outputs themselves (like the Output Tool) are complete. I believe this use case is fairly common.

If the Input tool had an (optional) input stream and the Output tool had an (optional) output stream, you could fully incorporate them into workflows, including use of Block Until Done. I know there are some alternative solutions to make this work, but they are not intuitive.

Pulling data down from Salesforce takes a looong time. It would be a great feature to be able to cache this, similar to how 9.5 added database caching.

Just learnt today that Download Tool doesn't support uploading to a SFTP server. This feature is pretty critical and essential for many use in the Enterprise world. Is this something we can expect in next release?

It would be extremely helpful if Alteryx could add quick filters to the data browsing windows that would allow you to filter the contents of the window based on each column.  Essentially just replicate what you can do with quick filters in Excel.

Without this, I'm often forced to copy my data out into Excel in order to do any detailed trouble-shooting, and often there's too much data to copy, which prevents me from quickly getting to what I need.

Of course you can create a whole separate filter object, but that's combersome and requires re-running the workflow.

Have the ability to see the data with the browse tool by simply clicking the component we want in the workflow.
The browse tool becomes a default property and not a component we have to insert in the workflow.

If this idea leads to bad performance, at least have a tickbox to mask/unmask all browse tools components + have a different color lines to distinct "real" workflow from browse tool which does not transform/calculate the data

Currently there are bulk loaders within alteryx for Teradata, Oracle and SQL Server.
It would be great to have a bulk loader for AWS Redshift in order to fully industrialize the workflow instead of using AWS S3 and then use a separate AWS Datapipeline for scheduling

Both Input and Output tools should have the ability to read or write any file type from/into standard compression types (ZIP and GZIP). This would be helpful when managing large files.

It would be good if in the date format option for the Parse tools etc, if there was an option for the 1900 date format used sometimes in Excel/SQL. This is where the date is represented as the number of days from 1/1/1900. If this support was added then the same support for time be represented as a decimal {0,1} would be good as well. Besides this being a nice addition to the software, it would also help with any workarounds stemming from an excel file being open when imported causing the format to come through differently. (Currently if the Excel input file is open in the background which can happen on network available files, the time comes in to Alteryx asa decimal and the date appears as 1900 format).

Scenario:  6 input tools, and want to add, say, a select tool after each one.
Would be nice to select all 6, and add the tool after all of them at once.

Currently if I receive a file where fields are empty rather than Null(), the summarize won't count them with the CountNull option. Fairly easy to put a formula right before when there is just a couple of fields and change with an IF IsEmpty() but with a file with a large number of fields and large file size, a multiple field tool eats up a lot of time converting.  Not sure if it would just be trading processing speed in the summarize to do basically the same thing.
Rather than giving the users a big list of different date formats to choose from, allow the user to construct their own format with syntax of the incoming date that they are dealing with.

Currently I need to do a string function moving dates around to match a predefined syntax...
Hi ,
Today i stuck in one position where my current module gaves an error because it doesnt found the Fields name. I define the field name in Formula tool for validation and harmonization. So as my Fields changes formula is also changes. But i donot want to make any changes in my Module.

So what i am thinking it will be better that we can define a formula in any file format like (.xlsx or .csv) and take the Input in formula tool.
So we do not have to change the module again and again. We just need to change the mapping file against the lates file coming. So we can check the file and define the formula in mapping file.

Thanks in Advance.

I am not sure if this capability exists but I assume it does not.

We have a need to optimize a Linear Program (LP) model that consists of a system of equations and has both:
An objective function and a series of constraints. One of the software capabilities that SAS offers that currently
Alteryx does not have is this optimization capability. 

I am wondering if the capability is currently not available, is this capability in the Product Roadmap?


The Input Tool reads Excel however many dashboards require multiple people to update a spreadsheet. Excel is too much of a hassle to share and update. Being able to read directly from a Google Spreadsheet would allow easy multiuser access to updating spreadsheets for dashboards.

Please add Google Spreadsheets to be an option in the Input Tool.

It would be extremely helpful to add in a "Count Distinct" function into the summarize tool.  This would help tremendously when working with hierarchical data.
It would be useful to have the count of rows show up under Browse icons once a module was run.  While debugging, I often have a number of Browse icons scattered about.  It would be nice if I didn't have to click on each to see how many records made it that far.

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