Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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It appears that the Marketo Input tool only is focused aroudn getting Lead oriented Objects, however since Marketo is a Marketing Automation tool, it has many more objects such as email performance, landing page performance, web activity, program performance, revenue explorer, etc. 

I'd like to vote up this idea of having marketo input connector having access to extrac data from other objects outside leads. 

Here is the latest Marketo Analytics resources that are available.  Anybody else encounter this bottleneck when trying to source the data out of Alteryx? 

I haven't needed to do this for over a year, but I just tried in 2018.4 and the functionality is not there any more 😞 


I'm trying to open an Excel file and customise the SQL used to read the data.


I've found this in other posts:


then I found this one 😞


Hopefully this feature will be re-instated soon 🙂

One of those small little annoyances that can add some extra time to development is how when you browse for a file (either with the Input Tool or Output Tool) it always defaults to the most recent location of where you either picked up a file or output a file.

Many times I have existing Input Tools or Output Tools that I simply need to repoint (meaning they already have a file location mapped to either read or write to.)  For these, it would be great if, when the user clicked to File Browse, the initial folder location displayed was the same folder where the current file is mapped to. 

Perhaps displaying the most recent folder in the file browse interface may be best suited for when a file has not been mapped yet.

I'm using .sv file format for compressing large files and using them in Alteryx.  .sv is call a Alteryx Spatial Zip file.  This format seems to offer the highest level of compression of all the Alteryx file format types.  Is this suitable for text also?  Is it usable in real time vs uncompressing first then using in a workflow?  If not, I think a compressed real time file format would be a nice addition.

I love the new Basic Filter option and it makes writing filters easy/self-expanatory for new users and helps with functions like isnull(). However, I'm almost always writing what are now called 'Custom Filters' and it takes two clicks to do this.

From a User Experience perspective it would be great if you could click in the expression box to write the filter rather than having to check the customer filter check box, or start by creating a basic filter and then make it more complex using the custom filter box without having to check the tick box.

Following on from this and something that is probably a lot harder to implement - But with the new basic filter, it would be great to have a list of available fields populate the options to filter by - Similar to the option that you get in Calgary. E.g Country == and then the drop down list would contain whatever is available in the data (e.g. Spain, UK, USA, Etc...)
Can an interactive mapping tool be added as an output tool? 

When reports, files, or tables are generated, it would help to be able to view them on an interactive map.  Currently I am trying to show where high population growth is located for large areas, ie-entire US, entire State(s), etc., so the user needs to view where these areas are on a map.  Ideally, it would be nice to have additional layers seen on the map as well, for example, our current locations, competitor locations, etc.

Please have the Calgary Tools put the file names in the annotation automatically like all other input/output tools. 

Currently there are bulk loaders within alteryx for Teradata, Oracle and SQL Server.
It would be great to have a bulk loader for AWS Redshift in order to fully industrialize the workflow instead of using AWS S3 and then use a separate AWS Datapipeline for scheduling

When I maximize the SQL Editor Window within the Input Tool only half of the screen show the SQL window.  The bottom half of the screen is useless grey space.  Why not have most all of the screen be the SQL window and only a small portion of grey border for the Test Qry, Ok, Cancel and Help button?  I'd like to see more SQL and less wasted space.  Thanks!

It would be good if in the date format option for the Parse tools etc, if there was an option for the 1900 date format used sometimes in Excel/SQL. This is where the date is represented as the number of days from 1/1/1900. If this support was added then the same support for time be represented as a decimal {0,1} would be good as well. Besides this being a nice addition to the software, it would also help with any workarounds stemming from an excel file being open when imported causing the format to come through differently. (Currently if the Excel input file is open in the background which can happen on network available files, the time comes in to Alteryx asa decimal and the date appears as 1900 format).

Hey Alteryx Devs - 


Simple fix that would keep me in the flow sometimes, is if I could hit F2 and get to a place where I could tweaky tweaky the annotation.  I keep on finding myself hitting F2 and then am annoyed that I have all these extra clicks to annotate meaningfully.  Easy fix and you don't have anything else attached to F2.  





edit:  Had wrench palette, needed pencil palette!

Not sure if this has been submitted... or if this option is already in a newer version.

There should be an option, after correcting an issue/error within a workflow for users to start again at the error point instead of running the entire workflow again.

This option will help users to streamline the process of building workflows and avoid wasted time spent waiting for large complex workflows to complete or error out.    

A suggestion for the designer product...


When one right clicks on tab showing a workflow, an option should come up to duplicate workflow/macro/etc.


Create the ability to randomly sample X number of records. For example, randomly select 16 samples from a data set.

When testing an app, I always use the Debug Mode.

However, if I have any files in the app that are using a relative reference (and are not being updated by the app), they continue to have that relative reference in Debug mode.  But in Debug Mode, this Debug workflow is located in a totally different computer location that my app - C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp

So when I try to run the workflow in Debug mode, it can no longer find my files that used a relative reference path.

Can you make it so that when you are in Debug mode, the relative references are changed to absolute references so the files can be found?  I find it really inefficient to have to either:

1 - repoint my files that have a relative reference to their locations so they can be found when the workflow is run

2 - save the debug workflow to where the app is located so the relative reference works.



There is a bug in DateTimeDiff(a, b, "months") whereby if a is a leap day DateTimeDiff() returns a value by less than 1 month.

Please see attached workflow where I demonstrate this bug.




I understand that we can find tools that uses formula by ctrl+F. 

Alteryx Find Tool.png

I wish we can find text and replace the formula like excel does.

Excel Find and Replace Text.pngSincerely,


Often when we need to use the Filter tool and select the Custom filter option, it requires us to write conditions such as "IF", "OR" and so on.


Was hoping if some suggestions or hints could be embedded in the custom filter for those of us who have no experience even in basic coding.



It would helpful if you have a tool which will help us to filter out the data using CASS results column in a meaningful way. On the other day, I CASS'ed 2MM customers and ended up with 1500 combination of CASS result codes. I don't think we would have time to sit walk through all the 1500 combination to find out which I should call it as correct addresses and not the right ones. If you have one already that I didn't know of, please guide me.


I'm a long time user of Photoshop and it would be great to get some similar zooming and panning functionality into Alteryx.  Such as:

- hold down the "space bar" see a hand and pan across the canvas.
- hold down "CTRL" or "ALT and zoom on the canvas
- use the mouse scroll to zoom on the canvas

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