Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Please enable wildcard ability for the Amazon S3 Download Tool.


Add this to the "Object Name" field in configurations.


The current workaround is to use a macro to iterate over the filenames matching a pattern.

Adding this ability in the connector would remove the need for a macro.


Thank you.



I love that Alteryx lends itself to good workflow documentation, but I'd really like to be able to add a bit of basic formatting within my comment boxes. I tend to have one large (read: verbose) box at the top/beginning of the workflow describing the purpose of the workflow and quirks of the datasource to watch out for, and it would be easier to read these if I had some simple options like Bold, Italic, Underline, numbered list, bullet list. You know, the sorts of things you can do in basic HTML email? Those. I want them!

Analytical apps currently do not have the ability to provide any indication of progress to users when hosted on the galaxy.


It would be valuable to be able to provide a progress bar or some indication of progress to the user when invoking analytical apps from the gallery.

Let's "Elevate" Alteryx to enter the Euclidean space and add the Z-Coordinates to our spatial tools!



Products Team: Could you tell me if this is on the future road map or not?


It's something that other software does utilize, and I've seen similar requests on this message board.


Many companies use per period, quarter, year, etc. that aren't equal lengths or same days each month.

By saying every 364 days, you can schedule a yearly report. If your 4 quarters are unequal length, you can schedule 4 times (1st day of each quarter) at 364 days, recurring.

We have lengths of every 28 days for monthly reports (not 30/31). Or every 90 days. Or 180 days. Or every 14 days.


Being able to Schedule Every N Days moves you from owning a scheduler, to a providing a Competitive Scheduler.

Is there a reason why Alteryx does not include hierarchical clustering?


Well it's sort of slow especially with huge data sets, computation effort increases cubic, but then when you need to do two step clustering,

"creating more than enough k-means clusters and joining cluster centers with hierarchical clustering" it seems to be a must...


P.s. Knime, SPSS modeler, SAS, Rapidminer has it already...

I think it would be extremely beneficial to have the customization option to rearrange tools within their panels in the tool palette.

This would allow the user to group frequently used tools in their desired order, which would make navigation of these tools easier.

As an example, having the ability to place Data Input as the first tool in the palette would make a lot of sense to me, as its usually where I start building a new workflow.

Would be nice to have the regex tool allow you to drop original input field and report and error if any records fail to parse.

It would be interesting to have the ability to change the orientation of a tool container separate from the orientation of the workflow. For example having a vertical tool container within a horizontal workflow will help keep the workflow short enough to view on one page. Also it would look alot better to collapse and expand vertically in a horizontal workflow.



I really like the Directory tool.  Its very handy, especially in combination with the Dynamic Input.

But... I'd like to see other object (files and folders) attributes, like object level security (who has read, write, full, etc), last user to access, and user that created.

It appears that the Workflow Dependencies window does not report dependencies from all tools. In the example image, you can see that the file input from the Amazon S3 Download tool is not listed. Some tools may have dependencies that do not easily fit the current field structure of the window, but maybe the input/download tools could be listed with an asterisk or partial reference.

Missing Amazon S3 DependencyMissing Amazon S3 Dependency

Currently the Save Field Configuration, when used with fields in a different order does not give any indication that the ordering will not be saved and reused. It is possible people may use this option without realising.


This should be in the help at a minimum, perhaps in a warning box when used too, but ideally the renames and types should be applied to the columns they came from by Name - not just based on the order of the fields.

My team has requested that the user interface for one of our macros is color coded to indicate the priority of certain inputs. This would be a huge help in making our large interface easier for a user to fill out and utilize.

Hi all,

Just to give you some context, we have a customer that requires that for every Tableau workbook we deliver, we must add extra documentation, as for instance, for every calculated field, in which views it's used, and the formula of that field (yes, I know exactly what you're thinking right now :P)

So I decided to take a shortcut and do a workflow that extracts the basic (I mean VERY basic) data from the .twb file, so I can save a lot of time. 


Then I came with this idea...


Having a lot of Tableau's under the hood experts in this Community, It would be great to gather some of them and create a Tableau Documenter Macro.


I'd love tho hear what you think, and who's being able to help.


Can we get a more robust read.Alteryx function for mode="data.frame"?   If it is reading the stream as a data frame, can we have the option  stringsAsFactors = FALSE?


I am getting tripped up a lot because the code will execute in R Studio, but will get mysterious behaviours when it runs within the R Tool.   I am manually converting variables to character strings in my R Tool code which I don't have to do in R Studio.   However, I'm not a highly detail oriented R developer, so I will miss variable data type conversions and have spent a lot of time going down the wrong path.  Also, It makes it difficult to maintain two different scripts for the same routine.


I have started using the glimpse() function in R Tool code, to help catch some data conversions since it writes the output in the message log.  


Rob Campanell

I understand that Server and Designer + Scheduler versions have the option to "cancel workflows running longer than X”.


I'd like to see that functionality in the desktop edition as well.

The Data Sources page currently lists all the different data sources that Alteryx supports - however for an administrator it's almost impossible to ensure that their designer users have the drivers for these, or are on the right version.


As an early step - can we add 1 more field to this list which points to the downloader for the driver where applicable


The next step is to create a bundled driver pack that Admins can download once to cover all the relevant drivers needed for the data sources provided & supported.


cc: @revathi @AshwiniChezhiyan @LizaNemchynova


Dear Alteryx Team,

Dynamic Input Tool is a great tool to import easily multiple files using files paths parameters ... having the same tool for outputs would be great to export many files in pre-established folder.

Many thanks


Would love to have a 'common used' tab, rather than a favourties box (as that lags what I am currenty using).


Would be nice to have it look at my usage and create sort by frequency of use table. Could also be done with all users as well (some kind of opt-in telematary data?).

Pretty much only time I add Browse tools during development now is to get access to the Cell Viewer to examine values better. 


Would love to be able to do this on the output window

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