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Vertical and Horizontal workflow integration

It would be interesting to have the ability to change the orientation of a tool container separate from the orientation of the workflow. For example having a vertical tool container within a horizontal workflow will help keep the workflow short enough to view on one page. Also it would look alot better to collapse and expand vertically in a horizontal workflow.



7 - Meteor

If this was implemented what do you suggest to adjust for interface tools which always run perpendicular to the layout?

5 - Atom


Not sure it would change anything. See below for a very professional rendering of how I would imagine it could work.




12 - Quasar

I really like this idea. I was trying to envisage how it could work with individual tools rather than containers but it would be good enhancement. One of my biggest challenges is keeping workflows 'neat', so anything that helps is important to me.

9 - Comet

i really support this idea.  Think it would help make sense of a messy workflow.  I would also like the ability to right-click on a container and convert to macro, thus making what's inside the container reusable.

Status changed to: Inactive

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1. The idea has not had activity in the form of likes or comments in over a year.

2. The idea has not reached ten likes.

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10 - Fireball

I was just thinking about this exact thing! 

We have a lot of containers on one of our bigger workflows and it would be great if we could turn the containers vertical while the workflow ran horizontal. 

This would make heiracical workflows more easily readable. 

5 - Atom

I was searching for this option with hopes that I could change each tool to a vertical layout as needed. I'd prefer to not have to have containers.


Some of my workflows are huge, and having the ability to save space by using a combination of horizontal and vertical sections would be phenomenal.


I like the idea from above, too, where a user could turn a container into a macro for re-use.  Simplicity in functionality would be very helpful.

5 - Atom

This would be very helpful

7 - Meteor

Additional functionality to allow a more logically laid out workflow would always be useful and I'm surprised it wasn't included from the beginning.