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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Dear Alteryx


Typing econometric formulas within the Formula tools can be very tyring when formulas are long and complex


What would be very nice, would be to have the possibility the get a a kind of "Formula" format (in adition to double , string, datetime ...).

When the format is set to Formula, Alteryx automatically detect that it is a formula and use it as such.

It would allow to import easily external models formulas without to type or paste them within Alteryx


Many thanks




The chart tool is really nice to create quick graphics efficiently, especially when using a batch macro, but the biggest problem I have with it is the inability to replace the legend icon (the squiggle line) with just a square or circle to represent the color of the line. The squiggly line is confusing and I think the legend would look crisper with a solid square, or circle, or even a customized icon!


Thank You!!!!


Hey Alteryx!


Here's one. I don't care for the tabs at the top showing each workflow. They are not in order by open date and it's hard to tell whether tab all the way on the right is the final workflow or not... They are hard to X out (especially the last one on the right that seems to have a semi hidden X). Depending on your monitor layout/resolution, you can only see like 10 visible workflows at a time in the gui. If you want to see more, you have to go into the workflow dropdown carrot which AFAIK also doesn't seem to be in any particular order esp when you open up several flows having same name. On a side note - what happened Alteryx? They USED to be in order by open date going across at the top AND in the workflow dropdown... That was useful.


So let get rid of these tabs. It's so windows95.


Instead create an interactive workflow history table (window) similar to what exists in TOAD, sql assist and other database tools (see image below). It's a table in the view but each row would reflect a workflow (formerly a tab). Top row is most recent workflow and moving down the table shows history of workflows.

You could can hover over a row to see details pop up for that workflow OR you could click each row (double click to run?) and workflow becomes visible in active canvas and overview and results window update accordingly. Maybe we could even have more than one active window per session? (sort vert/horz).


Additional benefits/functionality:

1. Slightly more screen real estate which we know you are always looking for and asked about 🙂

2. This could also be an autosave feature. When Alteryx crashes - and it does - when you reopen designer all your history will be there - no loss of productivity! Also high on your list.

3. Have an additional search function where we can search for tool names, comments, annotation, workflow/app/macro names, odbc connections, specific formulas or key words and then we see which history rows match our search criteria (rather than searching using notepad++ 'find in Files' feature in a directory)

4. It's not that much dev time since workflow history is already available in some buried log so why not show some of this metadata to the user in the gui?







Some of the predictive tools put out a "Score" field when output is run through the scoring tool, and some put out a "Score_1" and/or "Score_0".  Since I frequently reuse the same workflow template for different predictive model types, it would be nice if they were consistent so that I wouldn't have to crash the workflow the first time through to get the input field names correct for downstream tools (e.g., Sort).  Thank you


The current SharePoint connector works fine until you encounter SharePoint lists hosted in MS Groups which appears to use Azure Active directory much different from how the original SharePoint domain works. An easy way to determine this is if your SharePoint lists have a domain with instead of


Currently the work around is having go through the MS Groups API which is complicated and requires extra IT support for access and other credentials.


Can you devise a way to bring out the dynamic network visualisation on to Powerpoint.  Right now, we can only see a static image on a browser


Hello --


I have a process where I send an email to users before updating a spreadsheet that is now produced by an Alteryx workflow. Currently, I do this outside of Alteryx because if I choose to use Events -- it will send an email and immediately continue on with the rest of the workflow.


What would be ideal is to have an option to Wait for 10 minutes (or 600 seconds) before continuing on with the rest of the workflow -- assuming the email is sent before the workflow runs.





I have long and large workflows, IMO, that are getting difficult to follow. I'd like the ability to highlight the joins and set specific colors or at the very least highlight and toggle on/off highlights. I'd also like to be able to move my joins and so they are not curving all over the canvas.


I've used tools like BRIO/Hyperion with a wide-range of control over the output to MS Excel. The Jooleobject allowed me to control MS Outlook, Excel, Word, etc..  The goal is to run a scheduler within Alteryx every week to blend data, insert the data into pre-formatted and renamed excel templates, copy those files to a network shared drive and finally send a formatted email to my users. If I can get past copy/paste routines, my job would be much more efficient. Thx


Some of my workflows requires about 2 hours to run. Would like a stopwatch feature on the workflow UI or application after I begin running it. Would like to get an email when completed, as well. Thx


Idea to have the option to include the workflow "meta info" (last tab of the workflow configuration when clicking on the cavas) when printing the workflow.

The Meta Info desciption and author sections would be particularly of value. Currently on the long file name is embedded in the header.


Alteryx has a 3 hour demo session on CloudShare which is very useful for quick demos...


How about having most up to date version of Alteryx as a demo as a starter?


  • Unfortunately it's 11.5 right now... Not 11.7!!!
  • I'm demoing the older, slower version to the clients.







Would it be possible to add to the Workflow Configuration / Runtime options so that we can disable all 'Connector' input tools from connecting with the external source.  At the moment, I need to put the workflow within a Container so that I can disable this rather than have it refresh from the source every time it is run.  This means that I could have all my code within the same workflow but make selections that control whether it refreshes from the source data or uses a local copy that has previously been downloaded.


I hope that this makes sense....





In the Input tool, it would be useful to have the Saved Database Connections options higher in the menu, not last. Most users I know frequently use this drop down, and I find myself always grabbing the Other Databases options instead as it expands before my mouse gets down to the next one. I would vote to have it directly after File..., that way the top two options are available, either desktop data or "your" server data. To me, all the other options are one offs on a come by come basis, don't need to be above things that are used with a lot more frequency. Just two cents from a long time the product either way!







Eli Brooks

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