Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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On the output data component, when outputting to a database, there are Pre & Post Create SQL statement switches.  This allows for the execution of a SQL statement in the DB but only after a create table action.  To use this functionality you must have populated a table using the 'create new table' or 'overwrite' option, which is no good if you're using the Update or Append options.  Change these switches to Pre & Post SQL Statements as per the Input Data component.  This will allow you to execute SQL statements in the DB either before or after the population action.  Can be really handy if you need to execute database stored procedures for example.  


Please note:  You can already work around this by branching from your data stream and creating or overwriting a dummy table, then use the pre or post create switch for your SQL statement.  This is a bit messy and can leave dummy tables in the DB, which is a bit scruffy.


When outputting to files in avro format, it would be nice to have Alteryx either throw an error/warning or automatically add a prefix when field names do not conform to the Apache Avro specifications. For example, if I were to try to output an .avro file with a field named "2018 actions", Alteryx could throw a warning/error to remind me to rename the field, or Alteryx could change the field name for me to something like "X2018_Actions".


Add extra capabilities int he Output Tool so that the following can be accomplished without the need for using Post SQL processing:


- Create a new SQL View

- Assign a Unique Index key to a table


Having these capabilities directly available in the tools would greatly increase the usability and reduce the workload required to build routines and databases.



Is it possible to get a monthly subscription service to spread out the cost - perhaps to make it more beneficial your end we could have a 6 month minimum contract? 

With some consulting projects you'd only really be able to bill the pro rata cost so that would help.


We are limited to vertical and horizontal flow charts.


Being able to move the green entrance and exit nodes to vertical or horizontal positioning in the same chart would aid creating more efficient flow layouts.


The developers should check out Factorio too. Quite a few idea in there on flow charting.





At the moment the salesforce connector does not support view objects like AccountUserTerritory2View. It should be extended to support those objects to facilitate more efficient and above all complete data extraction. 


I want to connect to Salesforce without Security Token.

Salesforce doesn't need Security Token when we set Login IP Ranges.


Actual Condition:

  1. In Salesforce, I set Login IP Ranges like below so that Salesforce doesn't require Security Token.


  1. I could connect to verify custom object definition viaSalesforce Input without Security Token



  1. When workflow rub, Salesforce Input shows error message.




Thank you for considering our request.


I will be using TS Model Factory tool for running ARIMA quite extensivelty and understand that existing tool does not allow for model customization options. I will really appreciate if we can have customization options which helps to specify order of AR or MA components like it can be done in ARIMA tool.




I setup a generic template because the excel files do not have a consistent schema.   This is the template




which is interpreted as text




When I feed files into the dynamic input tool the output configuration is



This is the schema of the first file read by the DI tool.  Why didn't it use the template?


The requirement to have all the schemas match is difficult - especially with excel.


I would like to suggest the input tool have a checkbox to override the data driver and interpret all columns as text.


Read excel as text



It would be cool if, in the API, we could get at all data fields for the relevant dataset, without having to manually list them in the Expression builder area.  Example: if we had a formula function called "AllFields()" that returns all fields.  Then, supposing we had a huge data set with hundreds of fields, we could do something like Average(AllFields()) in order to average all of the fields without listing them individually.


And I know, the multi-field formula is there also, but it would still be handy to have this, especially in conjunction with the API, where I'd like to be able to write methods that cruise all data fields to do this or that.  Thanks!



It would be great if it were possible in future to adjustment Analytic App buttons.


For example Run instead of Finish or so... and so on!?!


Best regards



While manually entering expresssions in tools say for example Formula tool, if an error occurs, apart from the error definition displayed below, there must be auto correct options available depending upon alteryx interpretation. It must provide suggestions to rectify the error in the expression.


Such functionality is present in other softwares and it would be great if alteryx add this too.


In trying to work with varying content and rules for extracting information, the regex tool requires a literal string.

The functions can accept a workflow parameter but I needed to parse out the results.


For now, I have only a few patterns but looking to handle a more general case.  Thanks


It would be nice to have the expression box (found in formula tools etc.) and the join selection (found on joins etc.) as interface tools.


I would love the to get back the ability to use WHERE clauses in the custom SQL to manage the data that gets imported from xlsx files. I can currently use the legacy driver but would like to have that added in for the current driver.


The file geodatabase reader is very cumbersome especially when navigating through a server directory. Can this be fixed or reworked?


Extend the machine-learning framework for pressure analysis on a single well to multiwell systems.  

The framework should capture the well interference accurately and be able to test a greater area of the reservoir. Develop a machine-learning model to reconstruct the flow-rate history by use of pressure data. Ensure that both models maintain the advantages of the machine-learning- based single-well pressure interpretation in terms of the accuracy of prediction, computational efficiency, and tolerance to noise.


It would be helpful if Alteryx did not try to report blank dates in the data profiling tool that are not existent in the dataset. If our data is missing dates, it would be better to report these as a warning, rather than making the profiling imply that they should be within the dataset. Attached is a simple dataset to illustrate.Dates Data Profiling.PNG


The Directory Tool would be more useful if it could output the file extension as a separate field.


Currently excel files with top lines frozen do not read into Alteryx. This causes extra manual work, as a default setting for the output of one of my reports freezes the top line automatically.


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