Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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It would be useful when building apps to be able to put interface tools in containers and disable them.  This would allow an app developer to show users multiple ways of having the app styled without having to have multiple app versions saved.  

This is a suggestion for improving the current Apache Avro output support. It would be nice to have a way to also output to a JSON file the Avro schema associated with the Avro data file.


- In the output tool, provide a file browse option to optionally write out the Avro schema JSON file

- Introduce a new tool or function to extract an Avro schema document from an existing Avro file and then save it to JSON

It would be great to increase the size of the content displayed in the results window. I use it primarily to exlore data and with my insufficiently good eyesight this is a challenge. Some non-Alteryx solutions were proposed before but I feel they are not sustainable in the long run.




it's not easy for an Alteryx Admin to keep track of all the versions & downloads they need to keep updating for their user base.

In our corporate environment, we also have to wrap any installers in a specific wrapper for them to be pushed out to user workstations, and many of the downloads on the alterxy site are not directly available but instead have to be done via the Alteryx Download Manager - as soon as the download manager tries to download the actual installer, this fails on our security firewall.


Please can you make all the key addins available on the downloads page as a final download rather than as a reference to the download manager, with clear version numbers

- Tableau Starter kit: the actual final installer is called Starter_Kit_for_Tableau.exe

- Starter kit for Microsoft


Additionally - it would be VERY useful if on the Downloads page, you could add a 3rd party section, and include a link to the latest tested drivers for :

- SQL Server

- DB2

- Apache (Spark/Kudu)

- R tools for Microsoft



This would really help Admin teams to keep on top of the responsibility for keeping the environment up to date.


cc: @avinashbonu @Deeksha @Ari_Fuller 



As pointed out by @Joshman108 in this post, you can lose some/all of your work in the table tool if the metadata is ever not flowing correctly. Losing your metadata can happen for a number of legitimate reasons (copying/pasting, crosstab tool upstream, python tool upstream etc.) There are a number of tools (including the table tool) where losing the matadata can prove catastrophic. 


Consider these 2 simple examples:

1) We have the dynamic box checked and apply a rule to field 1:


If our table tool loses its metadata, our row rule is completely erased! I would expect the tool to remember our row rule once metadata is reestablished.


2) We have the dynamic box unchecked, as well as Field4 unchecked. We setup the same rule as before that references field4.


Now when the metadata is lost and restablished, the table tool does a good job of remembering that Field4 is supposed to be unselected, and that I had a rule for Field1; however, the rule has now been changed! I would expect the rule to also remember that I was referencing Field4. Note that if my rule had reference a field that was included in the table, it would have remembered the rule. It's only because my rule referenced Field4 which was not included in the table that my rule got messed up. In my rule, it now references Row# which is completely wrong:





Currently I am running two version of Alteryx and some of the macros were created/updated in the newer version of Alteryx. I would like to see only one error message displayed for all of the macros created in a newer version rather than having a dialog box pop up a dozen plus times (one for each macro) every time I open an instance.


Macro Error MessageMacro Error Message

It would be useful if the Tile Tool had an option to tile based on Natural Breaks in the data. See:


For example:



Most of the time I use containers to help structure and layout my workflow, as well as then enabling or disabling different parts of it. It would be nice however to still see the tools within a disabled container but have the container greyed out or hashed out?


Enabled Tool Container

Screenshot 2020-11-19 184832.png


Disabled Tool Container

Screenshot 2020-11-19 184832EDIT.png




Sam 🙂

I would like for it to be easier to change input (and output) tools to UNC pathing. I think adding it to the right click menu would be great. Currently, I have to go to options >> advanced >> workflow dependencies. A right click option would be easier.





Idea: Build a version of Designer that runs on ARM devices without requiring an emulator.


Windows 10 on ARM is becoming an increasingly popular option for new devices.  Also, with Apple's move toward ARM, virtualized instances of Windows on Mac will either need to be the ARM version or will have much better performance over an emulated version of x64 Windows 10.


Emulated software is considerably slower than native binaries, so to maintain Alteryx's fast performance, an ARM version of Designer would be the best way forward for those looking to move to ARM platforms.

Currently in 2020.2 (but I assume all versions), when you have a workflow running and click on the Tool Name/ID (1 - in the picture below) in the results window it is then not possible to click on the canvas OR get back to the messages for the full workflow as it is then locked to that tool.


The idea is that it should be possible to get back to all of the workflow messages if you click on a tool name in the results window whilst the workflow is running.


However, a neat little tip that I found is if you click on the input, output or browse hyperlink (2 in the picture below), it will open a pop-out browse rather than show the data in the results window, meaning you can still see all of the messages)




This leads me to think that it could and should be possible to see browse anywhere data whilst the workflow is running if this is fixed. Here's a separate idea for that. 


I was thinking that if I add a Text box to my app -- there is an option to add Default Text. It would be nice to make that a little more dynamic.


Here is my use case. I want to put the current year in as default text to then use it in a filter tool. It would be great to be able to put a formal in that always get the current year -- but allows a user to overwrite it if they want to do another year. The way I envision it could be:


DateTImeYear(Datetimenow) would show 2020 by default, but a user could overwrite it to say 2019 instead.


Another example is folder structure. If a department is consistent with their folder structure where only a year change:


'C:\Tax\Returns\' + str(DateTImeYear(Datetimenow) would show C:\Tax\Returns\2020. Next year it would show 2021...etc.





Hi all,


As per the post here: - there are situations where you need to use something like a dynamic input to query data, but need it to be brought back in the order that you specified on the input stream.


The Dynamic Input too sorts the input stream deliberately, to check for duplicate queries so that it doesn't waste time bringing back duplicate data.


It would be great if we can extend the dynamic input tool to allow users to specify that they wish the data unsorted, and that they are OK with the consequences of possibly running the same query twice.    Even if this is a setting that can only be set through XML, it would still be helpful.


Many thanks


I am on a forecasting project where we convert one vector of forecasts into another vector of forecasts by multiplying by a conversion matrix. This is very clumsy and fragile to do in Alteryx meaning we have to drop out to Excel. The ability to do very simple matrix multiplication in Alteryx would be very useful here and in other use cases. I realise you can probably exit to R and do the job, but for something so basic that shouldn't be required.


The relational representation of an mxp matrix is a three column table of cardinality mxp with columns { I , J , A }, where I labels the first index set with index i, J labels the second index set with index j, and A labels the numeric values with value a(i,j).  Given a second pxn  matrix { J, K, B } in relational form we should be able to multiply them to get a mxn matrix { I, K, C} in relational form where of course c(i,k) = sum over j in J of a(i,j)*b(j,k).


Vectors can of course be represented as 1x and x1 matrices. If you really wanted to go to town this could be generalised to array processing ala APL2.

Hi all,


When testing a macro with interface tools in use - the value that is used if running in normal execution (hit the big play button) is 0 or blank, irrespective of the value set for default on the component.


  • put an up-down component on a canvas with a default value of 200
  • Then hook it up to a formula box
  • Then output the value 
  • The value which is output is 0


Please can you change this so that the value passed through the interface tools in testing mode is the specified & configured default value?


Thank you


It's not uncommon to start out with an InputData control, and then 2/3 of the way through you realise that you need to change this to a dynamic input.

Could we add the capability to right-click on an inputData; and convert to Dynamic Input (just like you can on a TextInput to change it to a Macro Input)?



That has bugged me for years.

The dynamic input tool allows some fairly complex transformations to the underlying query - but it's not always easy to debug this when it doesn't behave as expected.

Could we add the ability to inspect the resulting query (just like you can on the InDB queries using the dynamic output component?)


It is currently possible to see this in the results / messages pane, but I can't find a way to get this into a data-stream to persist it or manipulate it.

When we try to call external web site from Alteryx Designer Download tool, our company proxy server failed the authentication because Alteryx uses the basic login/password authentication.  This has happened to multiple applications that need to interact with external partners.  Will like to request an enhancement to enable Alteryx to authenticate using Kerberos or NTLM.

I'm digging the new holistic data view in the browse; however, there is one aspect of the old view that I miss: I liked the list of top values to be available without scrolling. Here is the current view of the new browse:




What are my top values? I either need to hover over the blue bars, or scroll down to see the list at the bottom. I would like the top values list moved to the top. For reference, here is what the old view looked like:




My top values are available right there at the top.

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