Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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If I paste or insert a tool in a connection, tools to the left will sometimes vertically move a few pixels. I have to realign them and it is a nuisance. Please move only the tools to the right and only horizontally.

Please build individual *Unknown fields, one from the Left and one from the Right, into the Join tool. One *Unknown field cannot cover both side of the Join leading into the J output.

95% of the times I see myself using the Directory Tool, it is only to access the FullPath content, so I immediatly add a Select tool to deselect the other attributes the tool returns.

Is there any chance to add a checkbox to only retrieve FullPath?



I couldn't find a previous idea on this, but let me know if it already exists.


On Canvas settings, in the screenshot below, the entire context is visible, but still have a scroll bar. It should automatically adjust:






The double click to insert is great. I believe one cool addition to that would be if I have multiple tools selected on the canvas and double click on tool to add it, it could add to all the tools that were selected. 


I got so used to double click the tool on the tool pallet to insert it on the canvas that whenever I search for a tool, I keep double clicking it in the search results and, of course, nothing happens. 


Currently it is possible to save the expression in the formula tool. However, the field size and type are not stored with that saved expression, that would be some nice change. Maybe could be a checkbox to include that.

With a lot of large corporations moving to use Native Data Classifications and requiring them on all emails going out, it would be nice to add this to the email tool. A sensitivity drop down similar to what Power Automate has would be great.

Many of us use snowflake as our data warehouse.  So we need full support of all 3 major public cloud providers for staging data.  Right now, you only have support for Local and AWS.  It has been this way for the last 1.5 years that I have been using Alteryx.  From what I understand you were doing beta testing or some kind of testing to support Azure blob storage.  We are an Azure company and because your product fails to support Azure, it is costing us thousands of dollars in network costs transferring data.


Please support all 3 major public cloud providers as it relates to staging in Azure Blob Storage.  I am sure this is an easy feature to add so do it :)


I often work with files from vendor software packages where the input/output files are actually delimited text files, but where the filetype is a vendor defined filetype (Branding!), rather than .csv or .txt.  I would like to be able to whitelist these file extensions as data files so that they can be dragged into workflows.  I'm able to import them using "All Types" and then manually defining the import specifications, but it would be nice if I could define this on a file type basis rather than on a per file basis.



I am a newbie in Alteryx - has anyone ever built an etl workflow using python? I know how to read and run the jupyter notebook through import script in alteryx menu but not sure how to run my code as multiple steps of workflow. Any ideas?

Please add group by to the Record ID tool, so you can group by keys and reset the count.  I do this functionality currently by using the multi row tool, but as i use this regularly, it would be good to add the functionality to record id.

I would like the capability to spatially intersect vector data over raster based geographic information. I have to go back and forth between  Alteryx and ArcGIS to perform the zonal statistics and then back to Alteryx to complete the data analysis. 

Within the Dynamic rename tool there is an option to ignore missing fields. 


It would be great if this was a bit more "Dynamic", for example if you wish to ignore duplicate field names for example. 


Otherwise you are left with warnings in a perfectly functioning workflow which some users may wish to control. 


Hi Team,


Could there be an enhancement made on the Dynamic Input tool to configure based on name.

This idea came up as I wanted to use an excel file and combine all the sheets. Currently, the tool imports data based on position, if there could be an option to import the data to configure the import based on name, that would be helpful.

Enable files as inputs to Alteryx that have been protected with either Azure Information Protection (AIP) or Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)


From: Alteryx Support <>
Sent: 04 February 2022 22:43
Cc: Sundaramoorthy, Nishanth-XT <>;; Bignell, Nicholas <>;; Jaganathan, Prasanth-Ram <>
Subject: [External] Case #00528349 - Fw: Azure Information Protection (AIP) or Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) [ ref:_00DE0JJZ4._5002R1On7Ru:ref ]


Hi Candice,

Thanks for reaching out. At this juncture, formal validation of data sources with AIP or MIP applied has not been conducted. Coincidentally, earlier this week, another user submitted an inquiry pertaining to Sensitivity Labels of MIP. They had observed that files with their organization's "Confidential" label applied were unable to be input within workflows.

Similar to password protected or encrypted files, Sensitivity Labels (and other AIP/MIP implementations) may be configured in a manner that prevents drivers (e.g. Excel) of Designer from reading the file. For any incompatibility that's observed within data sources with AIP or MIP applied, it's recommend to submit an Idea as to the Designer application supporting the scope of these implementations. Our Product and Engineering Teams actively monitor Ideas to help ensure we're delivering the best product experience to our users.

Thanks for writing in.


Sr. Customer Support Engineer | Alteryx

You may be selected to participate in a short feedback survey. Any comments regarding your experience will help to ensure we're delivering the best support. Thanks!

--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Candice D'Arcy-Bryant []
Sent: 2/4/2022 1:59 AM
Subject: Fw: Azure Information Protection (AIP) or Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)

Hi Support,


Please could you provide the options we have for files protected with either Azure Information Protection (AIP) or Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) to be used as inputs to Alteryx?



Please let us know if you require additional information.


Many thanks,


Candice D’Arcy-Bryant  

Strategic Customer Success Manager | +44 (0) 7872 959 067 

ca? |



Upcoming Out of Office:

February 07-11, 21-25



Alteryx UK Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 08806138.  Its registered office is located at 5 New Street Square, London EC4A3TW.  


This email and any files transmitted are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information.  Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited.  If you have received this email in error and are not an intended recipient, please contact the sender and remove it from your system.




From: Bignell, Nicholas <>
Sent: 03 February 2022 10:15
To: Candice D'Arcy-Bryant <>
Cc: Sundaramoorthy, Nishanth-XT <>; Jaganathan, Prasanth-Ram <>; Craig Higgins <>
Subject: RE: Azure Information Protection (AIP) or Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)


Hi Candice.


Seems there is an internal programme to implement this.


I have been contacted by three teams so far in the IB,  IB FX trading and IB Operations and IB Risk management.



In terms of potential impact it could be bank wide, but seems to be starting with the IB since November last year.


The program site (called DRM internally) states:


The Digital Rights Management (DRM) solution helps us manage data more effectively by putting a 'digital lock' on highly sensitive files. This means that even when a file is lost by accident, the external person who finds it cannot access its contents. These DRM classified and protected files can still be accessed and edited internally by UBS employees.

After a file has been classified according to its level of sensitivity DRM will automatically encrypt files if they are classified as 'confidential' or 'strictly confidential'. The classification and protection of a file can be set manually, or is automatically set for downloads of reports from applications that contain sensitive information or for users that have access to CID from specific applications (see details in the DRM guideline).

DRM is available globally in UBS.


Thanks Nick


From: Candice D'Arcy-Bryant <>
Sent: 03 February 2022 09:32
To: Bignell, Nicholas <>
Cc: Sundaramoorthy, Nishanth-XT <>; Jaganathan, Prasanth-Ram <>; Craig Higgins <>
Subject: [External] Re: Azure Information Protection (AIP) or Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)


Hi Nick,


Yes, I'm enquiring internally and will get back to you as soon as I have some information.


In the meantime, it would be good to understand:

  • Who is impacted by this issue?
  • What the impact is?
  • Where in the business this is being felt the most?
  • How many users / workflows are affected by this?
  • When did this first start to affect users / workflows?

Many thanks,


Candice D’Arcy-Bryant  

Strategic Customer Success Manager | +44 (0) 7872 959 067 

ca? |


Upcoming Out of Office:

February 07-11, 21-25



Alteryx UK Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 08806138.  Its registered office is located at 5 New Street Square, London EC4A3TW.  


This email and any files transmitted are for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information.  Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited.  If you have received this email in error and are not an intended recipient, please contact the sender and remove it from your system.



From: Bignell, Nicholas <>
Sent: 03 February 2022 08:48
To: Candice D'Arcy-Bryant <>
Cc: Sundaramoorthy, Nishanth-XT <>; Jaganathan, Prasanth-Ram <>
Subject: Azure Information Protection (AIP) or Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)


Hi Candice


Can you investigate what options we have for users that want use files as inputs to Alteryx that have been protected with either Azure Information Protection (AIP) or Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)


Thanks Nick


Sometimes, when you change the system settings on Alteryx Designer, you get this annoying message :

Error: "Settings Validation Error" Alteryx Service failed to initialize, likely due to inconsistent RuntimeSettings.xml file: Unable to start Queue service, insufficient license



well, well, well...

I found the solution to this page

"Under Environment Setup Type, you must select "Designer Only" if only Designer is licensed"

Maybe instead of the current message, Alteryx can check the licence and help with a "you must choose Designer only option ath the beginning because only Designer is licensed".

Best regards,


If an Output Data tool fails, there are frequently other processes within the workflow that depend on the status (success|failure) of the output. I find myself having to build a macro or some other overengineered method to validate the status of the Output Data tool. Instead, please put an output anchor on the tool. Then, if there's an error, no downstream process will run and this will greatly simplify error handling. Thank you.

I annotate every single tool, every single time. I treat a workflow like documentation. It would be helpful to use markdown in the annotations.


I love the macro indicator. It is not obtrusive and over the top. Can I have something similar for tools that are available to be cached? I don't want to hunt and right-click on tools to see if the cache option is greyed out of the context menu. Please just put a wedge or some other shape on the tools that can be cached.

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