Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Prezados boa tarde. Espero que estejam bem.


Minha ideia/sugestão vem para aprimoramento da ferramenta "Texto para Colunas"  (Parse), onde podemos delimitar colunas com caracteres de delimitação.


Atualmente, a delimitação não ocorre pro cabeçalho, tendo que ser necessário outros meios para considerar o cabeçalho como uma linha comum, para depois torná-lo como cabelho, ou tratar somente o cabeçalho de forma separada.


Seria interessante que a propria ferramenta de texto para coluna já desse a opção de delimitar a coluna de cabeçalho da mesma forma.


Obrigado e abraços


Thiago Tanaka


Prezados espero que estejam bem.


Gostaria de sugerir um aprimoramento para os erros comuns de conhecimento do Alteryx.


Quando rodamos o fluxo de trabalho e ao final algum erro é sinalizado no histórico, normalmente, não é possível entender ao certo o que precisa ser corrigido para sanar o problema.


A susgestão está em transformar o erro que é sinalizado no histórico, em link para que a pessoa clique no erro e seja direcionado para alguma documentação dentro do forum ou documentação, e que facilite a solução do problema para o usuário. Algo parecido com o que ocorre com os exemplos que existem da possibilidade de uso das ferramentas.


Obrigado e abraços


Thiago Tanaka


The Basic Data Profile tool cannot handle files larger than about 40 MB and 33 fields.  When I add the 34th field, and the file size stays at 40 MB (Browse tool rounding), it breaks.


I'm trying to get the count of non-nulls for the  "Empl Current" field.  Adding the 34th field drops the non-null count down from the correct 25,894 to 26, and if I add more fields, the count of non-nulls drops to zero.


The Basic Data Profile tool is configured with a 10 million limit on exact count and 100,000 limit on unique values.


The whole point of the BDP tool is to get one's hands around large data files that are too big to manually inspect, so this tiny limit is really a problem.


I often have to cache my workflow at certain points to do further development/analysis since the run time is so long. I can't express how frustrating it is when i need to edit a formula tool that's like 2 tools behind the cache but the whole entire cache is lost when i have to edit it. why can't the cache be kept up until the tool that was edited??


Performance profiles work at the tool level. When I want to evaluate the performance of a group of tools, I have to click on them one at a time, log the performance, and calculate manually. I want to be able to click on a container full of tools or lasso some myself and view the granular and subtotaled performance profile.


ARIMA, ETS, TS Forecast, TS Covariate Forecast are difficult to differentiate, more distinct icons would improve differentiation on the canvas. 


The tool currently does not write a complete XLSX spec file. Excel files created via Alteryx do not support Windows File Explorer search content capabilities. The sharedStrings.xml section of the XLSX file is empty or omitted. This section includes all unique strings within the file and thereby makes search for content fast.


This upgrade seems possible by non-Microsoft 3rd parties as other tools can save Excel XLSX files in the proper format (e.g. Tableau Prep, Google Sheets).


Love the new Sharepoint Files Input tool. Significant improvement over previous options! 


A suggestion that could improve the impact of the tool:


File Download Only


Current state: The tool performs two actions simultaneously: 1) downloading the file (csv/xlsx/yxdb) AND 2) reads the file into the data stream. When processing the supported file types, this is very convenient! However, the beauty of Alteryx is being able to read in raw data from almost any file type (pdf/zip/doc/xml/txt/json/etc) and process the data myself. Being limited to only officially sanctioned file types greatly diminishes the impact of the tool. 


Suggestion: Allow the user to 1) specify a filepath, 2) download the selected file(s) to that destination, and 3) optionally use a dynamic input tool to process the file. 



Don't know if someone else already flagged this... however if you click on a tool link in the result window, while the workflow is running, the window doesn't go back to the "main view" until the workflow stops.

It's fine if the workflow takes a few minutes to run, but if you are trying to debug a heavy workflow and you click by mistake on a tool link halfway through... it's a bit annoying that you can't see the output messages until the end


i would like to have a tool to verify whether the columns are exist or not.


if all exist then pass

else return error and indicate the filename and column missing in error message.


it happen when we using server. the user come back with the missing variable.

but do not know what file are missing that columns.


so if possible, we may have error message like, column "Status" not exist in "Data.xlsx|||Sheet1".


Suggestion Config:  similar to rename tool, but express is error message




So this is a minor thing, but could we get an option to name log files output to something aside from 'Alteryx_Log_TUVXXYZ_1'? It would be really useful to have the name of the workflow appended onto the log instead of having to sift through them manually or clear the destination folder every time I want to check one specific workflow. I know there's probably ways around this, but having something in the interface would be an elegant solution if possible.


Thanks! Love y'alls software to death!


Allow the Macro input tool to answer a question for other interface tools. Example if I want to open and run a container I cannot automate this. It can only be done with a human interface tool. Interface tools are not able to be updated dynamically. This issue hinders full automation with Alteryx server. Yes there are workarounds which lead to a big Ol Mess and creating errors leads to missed true errors. This option would remove many issues with automation.


There have been requests for "parts of this request" - but not all in one task.  Would like to have a "Deploy", "Cleanse", "Align", or "Scrub" tool. 


When added to a workflow it would remove all fields that were developer remnants from changing source objects, joins, etc.  Any field that is no longer is the source objects feeding it - would be deleted.




Please add undo or the option delete an added field when adding a file that has fixed width columns. If I select one position wrong, I have to start from scratch. This is not ideal. 


Either as part of the Alteryx Easter Eggs (found in  Help>About) or as part of the canvas,  we should have an ability to enter the Konami code and see magic on the screen.  The workflow moves, Space bends, something creative.






Let's be honest here, almost no one add new tools from the right click menu. And few people use the Recommended tab. However, if those two are combined so the recommended tools will appear with a right click and then just one  click away to add the tool, it'd improve by a lot the user experience and make development faster.  


It would be great if there was a feature to disable/enable the ability for artisans from accidently publishing to the Company's "default" gallery location in a highly restrictive environment without having to hack the javascript file (production.js).


I recently downloaded version 2021.2. I noticed in the results when filtering that there is now a "data cleanse" feature in addition to the "filter" and "sort" features.  The data cleanse filtering feature should be an optional addition.  This feature is not necessary within the results to perform a quick filter on the results.  Adding this feature decreases functionality and efficiency as the user now has to pass over this option to get to the "filter" and "sort" features.  If anything, this option should be put below the filter and sort features.  Please consider making this feature within the results section optional or put the feature below the more important features of filtering and sorting.  


I am working with client to modernize the way to provide data to core systems - in this case, Prophet.  


The data volume is huge, and the logic is complex, also some files are in legacy format, so AMP engine not able to deliver a satisfactory result.  

Appreciate if the team can work on AMP engine enhancement to help handling Flat files, or other tools so to make the workflow truly automated.  This will definitely help to justify the investment on server to clients with similar need.  


If I paste or insert a tool in a connection, tools to the left will sometimes vertically move a few pixels. I have to realign them and it is a nuisance. Please move only the tools to the right and only horizontally.

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