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Make Time Series Icons More Distinct

ARIMA, ETS, TS Forecast, TS Covariate Forecast are difficult to differentiate, more distinct icons would improve differentiation on the canvas. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I'm curious about this one @IraWatt - do you have some ideas of what different icons may highlight / show (in terms of visual communication)?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@SeanAdams I am no designer 😅 but I would suggest for instance:


  • A sine curve for ETS (relating to seasonality)
  • A line graph with which starts as a solid line which changes to dashes for TS Forecast (solid line indicating known data and dash for forecasting.
  • ARIMA could stay the same.

Differentiating TS Covariate Forecast and TS Forecast is difficult. For the TS Covariate Forecast I would have the same graph I suggested before just with a plus symbol as well. Not ideal but at least the forecasting tools would look noticeably different from the other TS tools.