Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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When using the Levenshtein distance matching in the fuzzy match it gives you the option to select a match threshold % but does not allow for other options.  Is it possible to provide these additional options in a future release?



Similar to the regular formula tool, it would be great if we would be able to configure multiple text to column processes within one tool rather than having to line up several tools when having to convert various fields of different logic at the same time.

StreetGeocoder when finds an address returns its fields in CAPITAL CASE which is no good for showing to user. Can it return in a correct title case? AFAIK, source data are in valid title case, but the tool or data preparation team make a standardization which actually makes all letters capital.

When city is not provided StreetGeocoder tool returns the first one in alphabetical order associated with provided ZIP code. For example, if you submit "380 New York St, 92373" the geocoder will return you "MARIGOLD, CA", instead of Redlands, CA which is the primary place name for 92373 ZIP code.


So if an address has multiple city names within the geocode table, can we provide the recommended city name?

Hey Alteryx Devs - 


Simple fix that would keep me in the flow sometimes, is if I could hit F2 and get to a place where I could tweaky tweaky the annotation.  I keep on finding myself hitting F2 and then am annoyed that I have all these extra clicks to annotate meaningfully.  Easy fix and you don't have anything else attached to F2.  





edit:  Had wrench palette, needed pencil palette!

Sometimes in a crowded workflow, connector lines bunch up and align across the title bar of a tool container.  This blocks my view of the title, but also makes it hard to 'grab' the tool container and move it.


Could Alteryx divert lines around tool containers that they don't connect into, or make tool containers 'grab-able' at locations other than the title bar?


Image demonstrating connector line overlapImage demonstrating connector line overlap

Can we move the "Save" disc that's above the tool ribbon to someplace that is not so easily clicked?  Maybe by icons that aren't used as frequently used as the new and open folders are? 


Currently, the scheduling via designer controller is independent of the gallery. So, even after a canvas is deleted, the scheduler still continues to execute the cached version of the canvas, as long as the scheduler exists.

Note, this issue does not occur when the canvas is directly scheduled in the gallery, and only occurs when you schedule via the Designer on the controller directly.


Steps to replicate issue:

1) Publish a canvas into gallery

2)Schedule the canvas to run daily via the Designer --> Options --> View Schedules --> Select Controller --> Create new workflow and schedule

3) Delete the canvas from gallery

4) You will notice that the canvas is still getting run on the defined schedule, even though you have deleted the canvas


Observed in Alteryx 11.5.1


Idea Recommendation:

Golden copy of a canvas should be the version existing in the gallery. Once the gallery instance of the canvas is deleted/replaced with a new version,

  • All related artifacts to the old version should be marked as "Deleted"
  • All existing schedules should be stopped from being executed
  • We should continue to retain all meta data attributes and execution history related to the old version (should not be wiped out) but clearly marked as archived/deleted


@SeanAdams @LizaNemchynova


Instead of counting the number of occurrences of the delimiter and then specifying it is there a way to split column for:

1. Every occurrence of the specified delimiter?

2. Only the last occurrence

3. Only the first occurrence



It would be great to just have a little tool like a comment box that could be based on whatever you want... like if you always want to see the max date at a certain point, or the grand total. It would be similar to how you can put formulas in the titles in Tableau like "Current as of <MAX(Date)>" or something like that. The best way (I think) would be to have it like the Annotations, but make it so you can turn it on or off at any stage in the workflow (right now annotations are only show or hide all) and make it dynamic based on results from the workflow up to that point. Right now I'm accomplishing this just by using a summary and browse tool, and then I put the result in the title of the toolbox manually.

When using ./*.csv for an input (relative path and wildcard), a preview does not show in the Properties area of the input tool.  Can this be added?

I've added a table tool that also has the bar graph enabled. The data I'm basing the bar graph off of is set to 5 decimal precision, but the bars round to the nearest whole number, making the feature essentially pointless in my scenario. Is there a way to have the bars dynamically adjust to the amount of decimal precision? I'm guessing most folks are exporting their data to a viz tool and not many folks are using the table tool in this context. table settings.PNGbar graph over simplified.PNG

I asked this before.  WHY DO WE HAVE TO HAVE A POP UP WINDOW OPEN UP EVERY TIME WE RUN ALTERYX?!  I asked this before, and the comment was made, "there is a check box to turn it off in the settings."  Yes, that is true, there is a checkbox!  And guess what, to my surprise (insert sarcasm here), IT DOESNT WORK!  THE MOST BASIC, EASIEST THING YOU CANT GET RIGHT, and that is EXTREMELY ANNOYING.


Maybe I should send an email to alteryx to remind them I am using their product, will you feel even more important then?  Pardon that slam here in my nastygram, but this is JUST AMATEUR!


A multi billion dollar company, and youre wasting effort with this.  GEEZUZ

In the Table/Query edit window, the datatable "frame" needs to do a better job of vertically autosizing to the window - it overruns the vertical space and then, if you have a lot of fields in your table and you want to see and/or select the fields in the table, you have to adjust the parent window's scrollbar to see the fields.  I think it would be better to shrink the table's window and use the table window's scrollbar because the table fields update as you scroll so it's easier to follow.

Some Alteryx tools, like Select, update when a field name or data type is changed upstream.  Sometimes it causes an error, but often Alteryx can self-adjust and be OK.  However, other tools such as Union and Summarize, don't recognize the change - they don't self-adjust or throw an error until runtime.  It would be great if these other tools (there must be others besides Union and Summarize) could recognize changes at design time.  Even if they just threw an error, it would be better than current state.

Is it possible to have a Sum(Column) or Total(Column) functions in formula tool? it will make the calculations much better as we don't need to use "Sum tool + Append tool + Formula tool + Select tool" or "couple of formula tools and then a select tool".

Sometimes when you make changes to a filter tool or some other tool's configuration and immediately click on another tool on your workflow, the chanegs you made to your first tool won't register.  The only way to get them to register is if you click the canvas afterwards.



We have several workflows, chained together and orchestrated with CReW runner and conditional runner macros, several of which have run command events.


Each developer on our team, when running these workflows on their local workstation during development and testing, must remember to change or disable certain events in several workflows to prevent unintended shenanigans in production.


Since we collaborate on- and version our workflows in Git with a branching model and automated deployment to production, each developer must also remember to revert their changes to- or re-enable these events, before pushing their changes to our shared origin.


This is a cumbersome and annoying part of our local development workflow, and a potential risk (forgetting to disable or re-enable these events could be disastrous).




Allow developers to define logical conditions for triggering run command events.


This would allow us to dynamically enable run command events, based on the environment in which the workflows are run.


There exists a separate feature request for environment variables, which would be super powerful in combination with this feature request, for obvious reasons.

When scoring data if you have values in predictor fields not seen in the data that was used to build the model the score tool will not score the record.  Makes sense but it would be nice to know how impactful the issue is.  Please provide a count of records not scored for these reasons as well as a count of records not scored because of exceeding the limit in the configuration tab of the score tool. and a count for any other reason a record is not scored so we have a clear understanding of how many were scored and how many were not and why.


Copy & paste from my post here.


The Python SDK offers a possiblity to automatically install Python packages through pip when installing using the requirements.txt. Some changes to the virtual environment of the tool might not be covered by this: For example, downloading and configuring language models for spaCy cannot be solved through the requirements.txt alone (similar for training corpora for NLTK).


So, as an idea for future versions of the SDK: Allow us to specify a Python script that is run when a tool is installed. This way we might be able to set up the environment, load additional tools etc.

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