Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Conditional Triggers for Dynamic Enabling of Workflow Run Command Events



We have several workflows, chained together and orchestrated with CReW runner and conditional runner macros, several of which have run command events.


Each developer on our team, when running these workflows on their local workstation during development and testing, must remember to change or disable certain events in several workflows to prevent unintended shenanigans in production.


Since we collaborate on- and version our workflows in Git with a branching model and automated deployment to production, each developer must also remember to revert their changes to- or re-enable these events, before pushing their changes to our shared origin.


This is a cumbersome and annoying part of our local development workflow, and a potential risk (forgetting to disable or re-enable these events could be disastrous).




Allow developers to define logical conditions for triggering run command events.


This would allow us to dynamically enable run command events, based on the environment in which the workflows are run.


There exists a separate feature request for environment variables, which would be super powerful in combination with this feature request, for obvious reasons.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Leif - 


Fully agree with the need for deeper environmental control of canvas behaviour.


Out of interest - what sort of things are you using the Run tool for?


Reason for asking is that we disable the Run command on our prod box because of the breadth of what someone could do to our servers (accidentally or deliberately).    So in my mind the run command is a placeholder for tooling functionality that is not provided elsewhere on the palette. 


Additionally - was talking with the server team about use of an external code repository like GIT - do you only store Alteryx files in your Alteryx projects in GIT or also requirements, testing etc?


Cc: @TanyaS 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Also - rather than using CREW macros to run chained - instead you can wrap each chained piece in a batch macro and then dependency ordering is respected and you can do conditional execution by controlling the control param

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes