Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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It would be nice to have a function similar to IsEmpty() that would also return true if the string only contained spaces. Of course the simple work around is to Trim() inside IsEmpty(). Just trying to save a few keystrokes and remove a failure mode if you forgot to Trim()...



(Not sure i have posted this in the correct spot)

For example, in the Properties tool (I say that generally because it could be in more than one place in that tool) all the user to enable to visibly see the path of the variable in the flow on the canvas.  As shown in the mock-up image below (as crude as it is, I think you get the idea).  This would allow you to trace the path forward and backwards in the flow, seeing where the variable entered and when it exited.  This could be something you can turn on and off like the grid option.

Pet Hate... When i re-enable a container, it opens up the container... 


Would be great if the default is do not open on re-enable... 






as shown in the Alteryx Inspire Demo, Assisted modeling is going to work with a wizard and generate several tools as result.

The data evaluation functions and feature engineering assist however would be extremely useful tools in their own, is there any chance we can use them as separate tools in the upcoming version?


Thanks in advance!

Working for an education company, it would be a huge value for us to be able to have the US school districts available in the spatial sweet of apps, so I could take all of the US schools that are customers and map them to their School Districts in a polygon map.

This minor but also easy.  It would be nice to have four way control to adjust the size of four open windows.  Instead of adjusting two and then adjusting the other two.  When hovering over the four corners of where the window come together - when they are lined up - then the cursor would change to a four way arrow and allow adjustment of all four windows in four directions.





Changing the User Setting "Default Distance Units" doesn't only change the distance units for the Spatial tool. Bizarrely, it also changes page margin specs in the Render tool, and Height and Width specs in tools like Layout.


Separating "Distance" units from "Layout" units would be useful. I may want a map showing kilometers, but when I'm laying it out on an 8.5 x 11 page, I want a half inch margin...

Can you please add a setting to the Dynamic Input tool where the developer can choose to treat different schemas as either Errors, Conv Errors or a Warning?


Depending on which of these issues are flagged during a workflow run my management of it differs. I tend to ignore warnings, yet pay attention to Errors and Conv Errors.

As detailed in How-To-Create-an-Optional-Field-for-an-Analytic-App, when using the "Generate Field Map for Input Data Tool" option in the File Browse tool, you can easily specify a field as "optional" by adding "(Optional)" to the field name in the input template. However, when you do this, it no longer automatically matches field names in the selected file unless those field names also include "(Optional)" in the field name. It would be very helpful to the user experience if the tool matched the name of the field prior to the "(Optional)" text with the fields in the selected file.


For example, if you include the field "Address (Optional)" in the input template file, and you select a file which has a field named "Address," that field is not automatically selected as a matching field. The user must manually match that field. "Address (Optional)" should automatically match "Address" if it exists. But, of course, if it does not exist, it would not match and it would remain optional.


It would be very helpful if there was a master variable list for the entire workflow, with one column of that list being the first tool number where the variable appeared.  For example, when using JOIN with many fields, it is pretty easy to get duplicate fields.  It is also common to have fields that are only slightly different, for example, "Variable_1" and "Variable 1."  If there was a master list of variables with hotlinks to the first tool where a variable appeared, it would be easy to fix duplicate or near-duplicate variables.  Other useful fields for a variable summary would include the variable type (integer, double, etc.), whether the field has any nulls, and whether the field has any text.  

Right now we can only change the alteryx log folder but not the log file name. If we can change the log file name , it will be great because that gives us the ability to parse certain logs and check for errors/issues and send out emails accordingly.

Looking forward for the addition of in-database tools for SybaseIQ or SAP IQ

Please star that idea so Alteryx product management can prioritize this request accordingly...


Note on SAPIQ;

  • SAP IQ is a database server optimized for analytics/BI, it is a columnar RDBMS optimized for Big Data analytics
  • IQ is very good for ad-hoc queries that would be difficult to optimize in a legacy transactional RDBMS...
  • It's ranked number 48th amongst all DBMS and 27th amongst relational DBMS
  • SAP IQ16 has gained R language support


currently we can connect with ODBC,

Add a new feature to develop your own customized decision tree with Insight. So instead of using a tree generated with the Decision Tree tool a user can generate a tree with custom splits and save  the splitting rules as a model to score later a new dataset. This will provide user the ability to enhace a tree with business knowledge.

The add to / remove from container behavior needs to be modified.  I have frequently had the application completely rearrange my workflow because of it. I was just deleting a handful of closed containers when the application removed all my tools from their individual containers and wrapped everything in one big container completely screwing up my entire workflow.  This happens a lot.  Now I have to reorganize the workflow.  This is one of my biggest frustrations with the application.containers.png

I appreciate being able to write to an ESRI File GeoDatabase. It would be even better if in the process of writing to an ESRI File GeoDatabase I could identify fields to index and have them indexed when writing to the File GeoDatabse. Currently I have to add the index in ArcGIS after the fact. Writing to an ESRI File GeoDatabase currently adds a spatial index automatically, but I'm talking about an attribute index here.

Hello gurus - 


Pretty much every coding framework supports this.  If we really want Alteryx to embrace no-code, we've got to have some ability to control commit / rollbacks across transactions.  As it stands currently, it is pretty easy to write out parent records, fail to be able to write out children, and wind up with a database state that makes the end users very sad.  





I have Ubuntu 16.04 and a good web developing exrierience.
Moving closer to DataMining and Data Analysis tasks I think this interesting app - Alteryx - should be used not only on Windows, but on Ubuntu/Debian as well.
Downloaded Alteryx file /home/Downloads/AlteryxNonAdminInstall_1_96f6543d8dc5f291.exe does not start (open) on Ubuntu.
There is a message:
"An error occurred while loading the archive."
"Invalid url:AlteryxNonAdminInstall_1_96f6543d8dc5f291.exe given, exiting
No ':' in the uri"
I used 
sudo apt-get update -done
and some other Ubuntu attempts, but still no result..

I think it should be done ASAP.

Thank you
P.S. Also, why *.png files are not accepted as valid attachments files extension? I can not attach an ordinary screenshot... ((

In the in-db join, add the possibility to make left-except or right-except join in addition to the 4 available options.

Would love for the text areas in the configuration window to allow for a Find/Replace text search. Especially useful if you have long/nested/complex calcs that reference the same field multiple times and then you change that field's name or want to replicate the same formula for another field.

Please add measures of statistical central tendency to the Summarize tool, such as:




Thank you.

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