Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Olá, não sei se classifiquei a ideia na caixa correta, mas eu gostaria de ver uma ferramenta, provavelmente na aba "Transformar", e que traria o subtotal e total de um conjunto de linhas, sem ter que construir um fluxo somente para isso. Acredito que com uma ferramenta, apenas, o problema possa ser resolvido, como no exemplo anexo, o que é bem fácil de fazer no Excel, por exemplo.

After we change to a new type, the Forced option should be appear in the new type.


screenshot below is example, i change to V_string but the forced option is still in double.



it very annoying to change via 2 select tool or edit in xml



It would be easy if there is an alteryx tool or in the input tool a configuration  to put an excel password and it opens the file to use it on a workflow.

I get a lot of requests to replicate the Excel Table format into Alteryx output. When I use Reporting-Table tool, I have option to choose border, give color and size. No dotted border format or any other border formats which excel offers. 




Hello Alteryx Team,


it is very important to upload json strings to snowflake. The reason is to built data vault 2.0 on snowflake side to have a scalebale dwh. I tried many different ways to do this but nothing works for me. Please can you implement for me this feature for the output tool.


best regards



I ❤️ Alteryx but sometimes I miss some of the abilities Tableau has to visualize the data output while designing.


When working with data containing many fields, I find myself changing the order of columns, running the workflow, and repeating... over and over until I get the right "look".


I know you can right-click and drag in the configuration pane of the select tool but I was thinking that it would be great if we could also do the same in the results pane and see the changes live.

This is currently possible with xlsx and xlsm files but not xlsb files. 

In Salesforce Input Tool, when your salesforce password changes, changing your credentials again erases the previous information in the input tool.
I want the table and item settings to be retained as in v3.1 when changing credentials


have an option to create output table when no records exist

When processing multiple files using wildcard character, Alteryx workflow fails when there is empty file. Skipping zero size file option would help. Else, I have to write a batch macro and process each file separately.

Hello all,


It would be awesome if Alteryx was able to accept Lat/Long and be able to tell you what timezone that location was in and be able to do time analysis from there.






Hello all,


As Intelligence Suite is a great expansion in Alteryx Designer, it would be great to expand the data types in the "Text Mining" and "Computer Vision" ribbon. The "Image Template" accepts only "strings" data types and specific Languages. It would be great to be added more data types, Language and ISO-Codes. 

Building a custom tool is nice, but the best way to show someone how to use it is to have an example. It would be great if we could package example workflows into a yxi file so our custom tools have samples to start from. 

FILE==>Open Recent==>

(add the ability to Pin Favorite Workflows)


The Pinned workflows will persist at the top of your recent files each time you open your Alteryx Designer Application.


I am not sure if it is only me, but quite often, I am getting distracted. I believe I am not the only person bombarded by the amount of notification/ping on chat etc. That is the reason why quite often, I forgot what I am doing.

Let's imagine a scenario like this. I want to use the date-time parse function. First, I look at the data. I want to figure out what the format is, and I want to start writing a formula.




I know what format it is, and I am writing a formula in a formula tool. I remember the date was the first position but what was next? I got distracted. I don't know the original formula was structured.




Wouldn't it be cool to see the results from the previous tool still when working on the new one?




My workaround is to copy-paste pics into one note when I am working on something but I am not a big fan of a workaround like this 😀






I have found out a minor usability bug from v


Feature occurs if I output data from Join tool so that some or all left outputs are unselected:















Now when using the output of the left stream in another join there occurs a small bug affecting workflow:


In the rightmost join tool Alteryx does not recognize right away that there should be multiple columns, A, B and C coming from the left output. This can be solved by going out of the tool and getting back, but this has a minor impact on the workflow.





Hi All,

Currently the FUZZY MATCH tool supports only Latin characters. It would be great if this tool could also support other characters, such as Hebrew letters and signs.


Thank You!

Do put an option to take any distance.



it sure have case that we do not care the distance.


same go to other spatial tool have similar setting.



Can you please develop a macro for batch forecasting using FP Prophet (Similar to Batch Forecasting using the TS Factory tool with ETS and ARIMA)?






I recently did Alteryx Weekly Challenge #243, in which i needed to use a join multiple tool at the end to join my three results.

To do this, i joined based on Record Position - and the join was fine, however the order was completely different to that at which was set inside the join tool:



As you can imagine, this was very confusing. However, it seems that if i move one field down, and then back up, it works fine:




This seems to suggest that this selection is not used until it has been adjusted, which is difficult to troubleshoot and may be confusing for new users. I simply suggest a small fix for this, to take this order by default.


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