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Flowing the data from the previous tool to the tool that we are still configuring.


I am not sure if it is only me, but quite often, I am getting distracted. I believe I am not the only person bombarded by the amount of notification/ping on chat etc. That is the reason why quite often, I forgot what I am doing.

Let's imagine a scenario like this. I want to use the date-time parse function. First, I look at the data. I want to figure out what the format is, and I want to start writing a formula.




I know what format it is, and I am writing a formula in a formula tool. I remember the date was the first position but what was next? I got distracted. I don't know the original formula was structured.




Wouldn't it be cool to see the results from the previous tool still when working on the new one?




My workaround is to copy-paste pics into one note when I am working on something but I am not a big fan of a workaround like this 😀






Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Emil, thanks for the feedback. Our UX and product teams appreciate all the feedback on how to streamline user processes and make user experiences easier. It would be greatly beneficial for our teams to understand how many users would value this sort of update, so be sure to share this with any other users you'd believe would benefit! 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes