Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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When in the flow of designing a workflow, I often accidentally click on the help ? Icon on the side bar of the configuration window, thereby launching a browser window, taking me out if Alteryx and interrupting my flow. Would love to have some UX indication, perhaps a different color, that clicking on this icon will redirect the user out of Alteryx.

  • User Experience Design

Some of my workflows requires about 2 hours to run. Would like a stopwatch feature on the workflow UI or application after I begin running it. Would like to get an email when completed, as well. Thx


user is not able to see the complete value

only 7 digits are showing up


  • User Experience Design

When using horizontal layout the status messages can overlap those of other tools meaning % progress can't be read:


Overlap Alteryx.png

Status labels would be better placed above the tools, not to the right.


The new 10.6 leaves all this empty space to the right of the "Connect" field and "Options"/"Preview" fields. This means I have to drag out my tab way farther than I used to in order to see the same amount of information... Can you go back to having these fields stretch all the way to the right of the frame? When you have huge workflows, every little bit of space really matters.


Wasted Space!Wasted Space!

Look at all that empty space!

  • User Experience Design
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